The Red in Your Eyes (Clip 1) | Technoblade

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(We hit part 50 and 10k reads on the same day, pretty pog.)

I was fighting a war my whole life. I wasn't fighting against disease, nor another person, but I was fighting myself, my mind. My demon..

I was trying to regain control of my own mind, my own body. I was trying my best, yet I was still failing. I tried to regain control of myself as my days slowly counted down, much faster than I hoped they would.

As my soul slowly grew darker while my eyes were getting lighter. I was becoming crueler every second now. Colder.. I was losing my soul, the last thing I still owned. Everything else, it belonged to him, the demon inside.

I was like all other demon possessed individuals, slowly losing themselves to this overpowering evil spirit. But I was also very different. Because unlike them, I couldn't win, for for me, there was no escape. There was no victory. I didn't know this at the time, but I would figure out soon. Very soon. Everyone would figure out soon.

But even though it would be soon, it was still too late. It had always been too late. But the day everyone would figure out, that day was when the demon would finally gain complete control. That day, I would do the impossible. I, Technoblade would die.

(A little clip of one of my books 'The Red in Your Eyes'. It's coming soon, just give me a few more weeks. Maybe a few months, but it really depends. I might provide some more clips eventually, so watch out for that. I might never write the real book though, cause I currently have legit no motivation. I've been stuck on chapter 4 for the past 2 (now 7) weeks, someone send help. But until then, tell me what you guys think and also if you have any questions. By the way, this is meant to leave a lot of confusion, so if you ask about the plot, I most likely won't give too much detail. If you guys thought that was too dark, you probably shouldn't read the real book. )

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