Trust | Gream

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(Sequel to Colours, so go read that one if you haven't yet. Thank you to @Tnttrin for the idea of writing this sequel, and @Divergentria for the word of disillusion. This ones pretty dark, but it's not as bad as I intended.)

That day, the world suddenly changed. It changed to allow me to see colours once again.
"George?" I asked, as if I had seen a ghost.
"Dream, it's me. I'm back." Someone said in a sinister tone, they were hidden by the shadow, hidden by the erie night. I didn't know if I trusted this person, this person who was supposedly George. How could he be alive?
"Oh Dream," he continued, snapping me out of my own mind, "Oh Dream, are you not happy to have me back?"
"George, if it's really you, please come out. I need to see you again George, I need to see who you really are."
This strange man, he came out of the shadows, he walked out, and there he was. George.
"Dream, do you believe me now? Do you trust me?"
"George, who are you? There's no way you're the real George, he died long ago.."
"Dream, please. Please trust me." I did. I trusted him.. I was naive, I was foolish, I was completely wrong.
"I trust you George, but please stay away from me. We'll pretend we don't know each other." So many had betrayed my trust before, I wasn't going to let my 'soulmate' do so again.
"Oh Dream, why would you do that? We should stick together.." He sounded crazy. As if those years when he was 'dead' turned him into a maniac, a psychopath.
"George please, please just leave.."
"But Dream, I thought you missed me. I thought you would die to see me again." He said in a hurt tone.
"I would George." That's when I realized there was no way out. He was right.
"Which is why we should stay together right?"
"Yes George.." I finally answered. I felt like a slave, having to agree to everything he said.
The next few weeks were hell. I thought I would be happy to have him back, but I wasn't. He was so clingy and was constantly pestering me with dumb requests. Anything to keep you happy George. I guess I should be grateful to have my soulmate back, but I'm not. I would rather have life go back to how it was before.
"George?" I asked one night, awoken by a strange noise in the living room. "George?" I heard someone, and it sounded as if they were in the kitchen. I walked out of my room, down the hallway, only to find George standing there, covered in blood, carrying a bright red knife.
"George, what are you doing?" I asked as he approached me, his knife at his side. I trusted you George.
Only then did I realize what he was doing and why, only then, when it was far too late. "Oh Dream, you're so silly. You thought you could trust me. You thought we could be friends again after all of that. Oh well, goodbye." He laughed, his laughs the final thing I would hear. I said I would die to hear his laughter one final time, that I would die to see him again. I guess I did just that.

'Trust is like a glass goblet, once broken, it can never be the same.'

[To clear things up, George had been betrayed before. He was backstabbed by so many, those people including his soulmate and bestfriend, Dream. He died, and this thing was just a ghost or spirit of him, coming to take revenge. Coming to kill the one who had caused him so much pain in the past, and ultimately his demise. (Dream had no idea he killed George, he just knew George was dead. He didn't understand what had happened, not until it was too late.)]

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