A Final Goodbye | Antarctican Empire

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(Basically the prologue though it takes place 50 years after everything else in this part- Yeah my book makes no sense.)

"████?" Techno looked around him. He was trapped, alone with ████, alone with the man he thought he could trust, the one now holding a knife to his throat. A blood stained knife. Had ████ killed others before this? Was ████ really a murderer? He couldn't believe it, he refused to believe it. He refused to believe that someone he had always called a friend and an ally was a killer. 

No this can't be real.. 

"You should've known from the start, Techno. You should've known I was never on your side. 45 years and nothing has changed, you poor fool. I thought I made this clear, I thought I made it obvious enough I was never your ally. Well now you'll pay for your ignorance, for thinking you could trust me. You were oblivious and now you'll face the consequences." He smiled, but he didn't look forgiving, he didn't even look guilty..

"████, please-" Techno watched as the man inched his small dagger closer, now touching his neck. He felt helpless, he felt like he didn't have any control. 

He knew he didn't have any control.

"I'm sorry Techno, I really am, but there's nothing I can do about it. You and █████ are the only people standing in my way, so this has to be done. You have to go. Goodbye."

(I said that this part will be confusing, hope everyone came prepared. And as always, thoughts, feedback and random comments are all appreciated.)

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