Souls | Gream

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(This happens before 'Colours', but you should still read that to gain a better understanding of what's going on. And also, it doesn't matter if you've read 'Trust' already, cause this is just what happens before then from George's POV)

"Dream?" I asked quietly, scared.

"Dream?" I repeated, "Dream, what are you doing?"

"Dream?" Still no response. And then I saw him approach me, a bright red object in his hand. I suddenly realized what he was doing. "DREAM! Stop!!" It was already too late.

I thought that this was all just a nightmare, a hallucination maybe, but I was wrong. I woke up the next day in a void, a strange place to say the least. I looked down at my arm, but I saw nothing. Am I just a spirit? I heard someone speak. "Oh George, this is the afterlife. You are just a dead soul, cursed to end the one who killed you." But I can't kill Dream.. He's my soulmate..

I heard the voice again, "Don't have that attitude George. It's your job as a lost soul is to do this. Kill him and I will grant you something. I will grant you your life. You can be alive again, just take this knife that he used to kill you, take it and finish him. Do that and I will send you back, you can be normal again."

I tried to open my mouth to talk to him, but I couldn't. I heard him talk instead, "Oh George, only I can speak in this place. I can read your mind, just think."

Sir, your offer is very tempting, but I would have to decline. Why should I end my soulmate's life for my own?

"Oh George, there are many reasons why you should accept this offer. Just listen and learn. This is your only redemption George, the only second chance you'll ever get. Decline this offer, and you will both be sent here, never to step foot on the real world again. Fail this mission, and the same will happen. If you want one of you to survive, you have to do this. You will do this."

He sent me down from the spirit realm, back to Earth, the bloodied knife in my hand. The bloodied knife he used to kill me. I felt my grip on it tighten as I walked towards Dream's home. I'm coming for you Dream, just you wait.

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