Autumn Blade | Technoblade

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I ran down the hall into my older brother's room. "Happy Birthday Wilbur!" I exclaimed, bursting in.

Hearing nothing, I called out for him again. "Wilbur? Wake up! It's your birthday! Don't you love your birthday?"

I went towards his bed intending to shake him up before something caught my eye, dangling in the closet, barely visible in the miniscule crack between the wall and door. At first it looked like his blanket, but then I saw it glimmer.

His crown.

I walked to the closet, hearing the door creak as I opened the door.

Then I saw it.

A bloody rag dangling off the clothes hanger, with his crown stacked on top of it. His body, if you could even call it that, was lying on the ground right underneath the robe. The beaten pulp - once his flesh was now scattered around the closet floor. I looked around the room to see if I could find anything else, like a note or sign of who committed this atrocity.

There was blood dripping onto my face from the ceiling so I decided to look up. His amputated arm was attached to a rope, with his cape draped around it. The idea of covering the limb with a cape, it almost seemed as if the person was trying to cover his arm.

Climbing on a chair in his room, I peeled the limb off the ceiling, I heard a ruffle from the cape. It sounded like a sheet of paper, so I unraveled the bloodied cape, hoping to find a clue. And there it was. Paper soaked in blood. But as I took a closer look, I realized it wasn't paper. It was an orange maple leaf.

Confused, I decided it wasn't worth it to puzzle over what the symbol meant and I ran straight to the Head Knight's office. As I burst in, he looked at me, motioning to sit down at his desk.

"Wisp," I took a breath, "who was guarding King Wilbur's room last night?"

"It should have been Knight Dream. Why?"

"King Wilbur was brutally murdered in his closet." The Knight eyed me, probably thinking it was a joke, but after seeing my desperation, he continued.

"Please lead me to the room." I nodded at him, standing up. Shortly afterwards, he did too.


Heading up the stairs, I pointed at the small blood splatters. For some reason, the Knight seemed to have ignored them all.

As we approached the end of the hallway, I saw Knight Dream standing in front of Wilbur's room, his uniform and sword both bloodied. "You- you- you killed him, didn't you?" I pulled out my sword as I walked closer to him, the tip of my blade touching my neck before the Head Knight dragged me back.

"Prince Blade, what do you think you're doing?" He yelled at me, taking my sword from my hand.

"The knight!" I exclaimed, "He has blood all over his uniform. And his sword is red." I snatched the weapon back, running back towards the Knight, ready to cut his head off at any moment.

Then I just did it.

Without even swinging my blade, I watched his head roll to the ground and a little bit of blood sputter from his neck as he tumbled down.

I closed my eyes, blinking a few times, still unsure of whether I actually did it or not.

When I opened my eyes again, I just saw him lying on the floor, his head perfectly intact, no blood on his sword or mine. And the Head Knight - he was just sitting there, helping the other up.

I ran into Wilbur's room, only to find nothing there. No blood, no amputated limbs. No flesh pulp.


I blinked another couple of times, slapping my own wrist.

Was this all a hallucination?

Yet only moments later. Everything was back. I saw the Knight's head roll into the room. I saw my sword covered in blood. And when I burst into the closet, I saw his body again.

It was their fault. The fucking Knights. They're useless. They're worthless. And they killed their own king.

Before I walked out of Wilbur's chambers, I put my sword back in my belt. I saw the Head Knight still sitting there, right besides the headless body, crying.

"Wisp?" He looked up at me, about to pull out his own sword before I took my own, chopping his head off.

And again, I watched it roll, this time down, into the first floor before it stopped at Wilbur's throne.

I closed my eyes and tried to assure myself - they're murderers, they deserve it, Will didn't deserve it.


However, as I opened my eyes again, I was back in my own bed. It was still dark out and everything was fine. No screaming, nothing. I lay there for a few minutes, enjoying the peace, reassuring myself that this was all just a dream. That nothing had been real.

Then I heard laughter. I pressed my hand on my chest, at first thinking that the laughter had been me. Before long though, I saw a tall silhouette of a person emerge from the darkness. The man called my name. It sounded like him, like Wil. I tried to jump up, I tried to embrace him, but I couldn't. I couldn't move.

He laughed again, yelling out "Technoblade." a final time before everything became silent.

I felt a blade touch my neck before one final sound marked the end of my life.

The sound of a head being cut off and rolling down, dropping to the floor. Something that during this time, I had gotten far, far too familiar with. 

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