Caught... again

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Blakelynn POV
Here I am again, sat in front of some snobby, uptight policeman while he 'investigates the situation' blah blah blah.
I'm kinda hungry.

Blake this is not the time!

But a donut sounds to die for.

Blake this is serious!

Oh shut up your just a voice in my head you can't tell me what to do.

You're even stubborn to yourself now jeez.

Again shut the hell up he looks mad!

"Blakelynn are you even listening to me?!"

"Not really but do you have anything to eat, I'm hungry"

The policeman's face is getting redder by the second and it's amusing if I'm being honest.

"Now is not the time Blakelynn Blaze! Do you realise that this is the 8th time this week you have been arrested?"

"I mean to be fair, last week it was 24 times if you don't count the times I wasn't caught"

"Blakelynn it is only Wednesday!"

The policeman slams his fist on the table and the glares at me, I mean obviously I smile back being the sweet girl that I am. Then he just gets up and walks out. He didn't even say bye - Rude.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ T h r e e         H o u r s        L a t e r    

After the rude policeman left me, I decided that I had enough and left. Right now I'm sat eating dinner with the two most irritating and boring people I've ever met in my whole life, that's right my lovely parents. If you couldn't tell that was sarcasm.

"What do you mean you were caught again?" snaps mother.

"Exacty what I said Mommy dearest" I scoff, making sure to give off my innocent smile showing all my pearly white teeth.
If you were wondering why my mother hasn't screamed at me yet, that's because she is a pathetic, and not intimidating, to me at least.

"Enough with the attitude Blakelynn Blaze! Your mother and I have had quite enough of your rebelling phase and have decided that a change is needed to be done." My father shouts while slamming down his hand, causing the whole dining table to shake.

Phase? PHASE? He does realise that I'm a diagnosed psychopath and that committing many crime isn't a phase. Just because he didn't plan them this time doesn't mean I'm 'rebelling either.
"Is that a yes Blake?" I zone back in as my father asks me a question.

"Ugh if I say yes can I go?" I scoff

"Yes now go pack we are leaving tomorrow."

Wait, leaving?

Well if you were listening instead of bragging about your murders then we would know where to.

Okay smartass I'll just pack, maybe it's a vacation
              T H E        N E X T        D A Y
I woke up this morning all excited for my vacation until Dad decided to drop the bomb that my vacation will be at some dumb school for 'troubled youth and delinquents'! Like he could have told me last night but NoOo, so now I'm sat in the car, bored out of my mind, in an extremely bad mood, as I can just about make out some rusty ass gates surrounding a large building in the distance.

"We're here Blakelynn" my father exclaims as if I can't see the gates to hell with my own eyes.

"Oh No way, I had absolutely no idea" I say sarcastically while showing off my signature innocent smile.

We walk up to the main entrance when I spot a large metal detector on the doors.


I take a deep breath and walk through the doors.
Beep, Beep, Beep, Beep
The guards eye me up suspiciously waiting for an explanation.

"I... uh.. have a nipple piercing.. yeah that's right... I have a nipple piercing"
They glance at each other until finally giving me a nod and letting me through.

(A/N- this is my first story and I'm only going to carry on if people like it so let me know what you think)

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