The Squad

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Blakelynn's POV
After getting through the dumb security, I mean I still can't believe they fell for the piercing trick, anyways I'm still kinda hungry, you would think that they would have fed me by now but NOPE - not really any way to treat a guest but oh well. The guard who is accompanying me for the next two weeks says that it's about 10 minutes into lunch so I can FINALLY get some food.

"So Mr guard man what's your name?" I ask the old looking man, he has a grey moustache and his dark hair is turning grey, could be from old age but I think it's stress too.

"Albert" he replies sternly, without even a glance my way - how rude.
"Imma call you... Bertie!" I exclaim, pretty proud of the nickname I just made, Bertie though did not seem too impressed, but I just dismissed his grimace as we head to the cafeteria. As we head to the doors Bertie turns to me and says that he will be back to escort me to class at the end of lunch - apparently I need a guard so that others aren't at risk but I think that's strange as this is a school for delinquents but hay ho, each to their own I guess.

Wanting to make an entrance, I push the doors open full force, causing a large bang to echo through the room, leading to everybody's heads to turn my way. I love when everyone's eyes are on me because that way I can scan and observe each person - not in a creepy way or anything - just so I can get a feel of who is more dangerous than others. Although I'm not scared, if anything I'm pretty confident on taking over whoever is on top because the guards told me I'm the only Level A** student here, making me the most dangerous delinquent.

My eyes scan the room, I see a table of lanky boys.
They seem pretty weak

Yup, amateur delinquents!

I then shift my glance to a few girls who look as though they are plastic barbies.
They look like the kind of girls who would be the 'popular cheerleaders'

Or like dumb bimbos

I keep scanning and observing until I feel like I'm being watched, I shift my gaze to the centre of the room to see an incredible handsome boy. He looks to be the same age as me and is extremely muscular, I also notice his piercing green eyes as he stares into mine. I notice his gaze holds something oh so familiar to me - craziness.

I glance at the rest of the group sat at his table, they all seem to be the most dangerous in the room, well apart from one boy, he has dark blond hair, and quite huge muscles. I can see he's trying his hardest to look intimidating but his warm, blue eyes give him away. I look over and notice a girl and boy who have an extremely similar appearance: black hair with dark brown eyes and fair skin. Siblings, maybe?
To the left of them is a pretty girl who has huge blue eyes, she has long blonde hair - from afar she would seem innocent but her eyes show signs of strength and maybe even danger.

Okay I've made up my mind on where I'm sitting!

No you can't just walk in like you own the place!

Damn who am I kidding I'm the most dangerous here - I basically do own the place!

I start to head towards the centre table in the room, all eyes are on me and the only sound in the cafeteria is the tapping of my boots as I walk. I here a few whispers from nearby tables but take no notice. Soon enough I'm stood in front of the group and they all stare at me.
"What?" The blonde boy snaps, well tries to - if I'm honest I kinda want to laugh at how he's trying to intimidate me. So me being me, I have to put I'm in his place so I slowly walk over to where he is sat and lean to his ear, so that only he can hear me,

"Talk to me that way again and I will personally castrate you, then take your balls and choke you with them!"
He stares at me nervously until he speaks up again, this time stuttering, " I-I mean w-what brings y-you to our t-table?" he quickly glances at me to see if I approve of his new choice of words, I smirk and reply bluntly, "I need a place to sit."

With that I push is tray if food to the side, careful enough that it won't fall of the table - is not that mean - I look at him expectantly and he shifts over, making room for me to sit.

I take out some food and then glance up at the others, their faces are all a mix of shock from the blonde girl and black haired boy, a smirk from the black haired girl and what I think is amusement from the handsome boy. "What?" I ask, snapping them out of their trance.

"Who told you that you could sit with us?" Snarls handsome boy, however his look of amusement stays where it is.

"I did." I shrug and continue to eat a muffin that I snatched from blonde boys tray. The blonde girl gasps from beside pretty boy at my answer and then she speaks up-

"Well, I'm Piper and this is Ace, Aspen, Jax and Jayce" She says pointing them out as she says their names. So his name is Jayce.

She looks at me expectantly until I realise she's waiting for a reply.

Jeez your dumb Blake

Shut up your basically me

Well they are still waiting so reply

Oh yeah

"I'm Blakelynn Blaze" I say before taking a bite of the muffin and then a gulp of Jax's soda. - what I had no food and he is the only one scared enough to steal it from!
"So, Blakelynn" Jayce starts, God why does my name sound so good when he says it? "We hear you're a Level A**, what crimes did you get charged for, did you beat some girls with your heels?"He scoffs, while the others laugh along, I send a glare in his direction and reply-

"Well actually,I was charged with possession of illegal firearms, illegal street fighting - which btw I never lost, assault, theft of over $1 million worth of merchandise and multiple murders" I say calmly as if it's the most normal thing in the world at 16 to be charged that much.
I can see by the shocked looks on all their faces that they were not expecting that and I feel a smirk appear on my face.

It was silent for a while as they exchanged glances and then all of a sudden Jax blurts out -

"Welcome to the squad, Blaze"

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