The blush game

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Blakelynn's POV
Right now Bertie is leading me towards my class because apparently after I knocked out Ms.Plastic I'm a threat to people around me, so I have to go into class after everybody is settled. Hey, at least I get to miss 10 minutes of class - worth it!

"So you're first class is History and it's right up ahead. Please just don't hurt anybody while I'm away?" He exclaims though the last part sounded more like a question to be honest.

"Yeah, yeah but I hate history. Like why do we have to learn about dead people anyways, should we not learn important things like - I don't know - taxes or whatever?" I groan.

"It's not like you would even pay your taxes anyway!" He scoffs.


"And besides history is an important subject for-" blah blah blah. I block out his lecture about the importance of history and decide I want to make an entrance again! I runs up to the double doors, before Bertie could stop me and slam them open - I love doing that! Everyone turns my way and the teacher looks as though she's seen a ghost.

"Erm hey teacher lady, what's wrong with you? You look so scared" I ask curious as to why she jumped but am quickly snapped out of my thoughts when I see some familiar faces at the back of the room.

"Ayy it's the squad!" I shout to them and make my way to the back.

"You realise there is no room left right, Blaze?" Jayce asks, again spitting out my last name as if it's poison.

"Oh I know, that's why I'm going to sit like this!" Before he could respond, I quickly plonk myself down on his lap and turn to face the front to continue with my lesson. Obviously I wasn't actually going to pay attention to history - like it's history, duh! So I took out a sketchbook and pencil and start to draw.

Jayce's POV - from start of lesson
The squad and I have just got into history- ugh I hate history like it's just all about people who are dead and stuff. The twins are in a heated argument about whether gummy bears are better than Oreos - I think that ice cream is the supreme desert but if I say anything, another petty debate will spark that I don't have the energy to deal with.

All of a sudden there is a huge bang, similar to in the cafeteria, and then a perky Blakelynn steps through the doors - Damn she likes to make an entrance. She had woken the teacher from her snooze causing her to look as pale as a ghost and Blake to furrow her brows in confusion.

It's as if she doesn't know that she just caused a huge crash when she opened the doors.

"Erm hey teacher lady, what's wrong with you? You look so scared" Blakelynn asks in confusion until she glances towards us and yells "Ayy it's the squad!" as she makes her way towards us.

I don't know where she expects to sit because at the back of the class there are only 5 seats - which the squad already fills. She stands in front of the squad with a smirk on her face - she's up to something.

"You realise there is no room left right, Blaze?" I ask, I always spit her last name as if it's toxic because I don't want to seem too keen on her right away - I mean you can't fully trust someone you just met. Can you?
She plasters a wicked grin on her face for a second while saying "Oh I know, that's why I'm going to sit like this!" And without giving me time to react. She quickly sits down on my lap and faces the front! I can't believe it! Usually nobody would even dare come near me out of fear, yet here comes this little spitfire, who couldn't care less.

Now normally I would have pushed the person right of me followed by a punch to their face, but for some reason I can't bring myself to do it to Blake. It just feels right. I glance at the rest of the squad, their expressions vary from shock, to amazement, to even some grins at the petite girl sat on my lap. But a just send them a glare and look back at Blake, who looks to be taking notes or something.

I lean forward and gaze over her shoulder to see what she is doing - she's sketching, not a boring sketch - it's an amazing piece of artwork:

at first glance it looks to be a girl putting on her makeup, but when you look closer it's actually a girl drawing her features - what could it mean?  I look again , deeper this time and realise it's about a girl putting on a mask, hiding her pain...

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at first glance it looks to be a girl putting on her makeup, but when you look closer it's actually a girl drawing her features - what could it mean? I look again , deeper this time and realise it's about a girl putting on a mask, hiding her pain behind a smile. I clench my fist at the thought of someone hurting my spitfire - what could have caused you pain Blake?

Blakelynn's POV
I feel Jayce tense up behind me so I turn to him and see an angered expression on his face.

"What's wrong J?" I ask softly, trying to calm him down. He looks at me and his expression softens slightly then he replies, "Oh nothing to worry about, spitfire". I turn back to my drawing and then think about the nickname he just gave me, Spitfire. I blush at the thought but quickly hide my face with my hair - I hope he didn't notice that!

"Aw did I make the tough girl blush" he mocks, whispering in my ear and I feel the hairs on the back of my neck stand as he comes so close.

Why am I suddenly like this? I'm NEVER nervous!

Because you like him.

No I only just met him!

Well your blush says otherwise.

Shut up!

You just told yourself to shut up again!

Ugh whatever.

I block out my thought until an idea pops into my head. Two can play the blush game! I quickly turn around so that I'm straddling him and lean in close to his ear, brushing my lips against it.

"Don't try to be feisty, pretty boy," I say the nickname seductively, "I like to be the dominant one in a relationship and if you carry on I might have to show you!" I quickly plant a kiss on his lobe causing his face to flush red - mission accomplished! And I got a kiss from a hot boy- bonus points!
Thank you all again for giving this story a chance and make sure to vote if you enjoy and comment ideas of what you would like to see! x

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