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Blakelynn's POV
It's now Monday which means first day in hell. We are transferring back to my old school to complete senior year and the only think I'm looking forward to is seeing Gemini again. She runs a gang/mafia around here and is one of my best friends but we haven't spoken since I got back. The squad and I moved into our own mansion using the money that each of us have earned through gangs, mafia etc.

 The squad and I moved into our own mansion using the money that each of us have earned through gangs, mafia etc

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I head out of the bathroom and into my closet to get dressed. My baby bump has began to show so I choose a loose black sweater, a blue denim skirt, some black tights and boots. I run a brush though my wavy hair before applying some light makeup.

 I run a brush though my wavy hair before applying some light makeup

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I head downstairs we're I see the others eating breakfast. I grab an açai bowl to cure my cravings and sit next to Jayce.
"So you have been to this school, what's it like?" Aspen asks Legacy and I while eating her toast.

"Well you know, there's jocks, cheerleaders, nerds, emos, rebels and the Queen Bitch" Legacy says glaring slightly when she said the last one.

"The Queen bitch is called Lilia Holtson, she is basically your average barbie who thinks they are better than everyone and probably has about 4 different STDs" I bluntly state causing Legacy to snicker.

"And by the way expect everyone to be scared when we arrive, let's just say Blake has quite the reputation here." She says and I smirk while the others look confused.

"Before she left, someone sat in her chair so she rammed their head into the rest and cut out their tongue." Luca says and I smirk before mumbling,

"Deserved it". Which causes a low snicker from J followed by a peck on the forehead.

"Come on guys we'll be late." Piper points out as we head out to our motorcycles.

As we zoom into the school I notice all the cliques standing round. As they notice the bikes, girls begin pulling their tops down slightly and their skirts up, gross. The boys look jealous and send glares but the girl all send flirty glances our way.

I take of my helmet and shake out my hair from under it, everyone gasps when she see me and begin to whisper and mumble to each other. At least my reputation still stands. I smirk to myself as the others begin getting off their bikes. Jayce heads to me, snaking his arm around my waist at the sight of the jocks, possessive I like it. Jax does the same to Legacy and I see her trying to cover a blush that's creeping onto her cheeks.

"Omg look what the cat dragged in. I thought you got shipped off to that troubled children school or something." I hear a pitchy voice from behind me and turn to see the one and only Lilia.

"Oh Lils how lovely to see you again!" I mock her voice and the others laugh. She ignores me and turns to J.

"Well aren't you a cutie patootie! You know you could totally do so much better than this thing right?" She says and I notice him cringe at the nickname.

"And you know that I don't want to second handedly have sex with the whole football team right?" He says with a sarcastic grin leaving her speechless. With that we head towards the doors.

Name: Lilia HoltsonAge: 17Relation: enemy/ Queen bitch

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Name: Lilia Holtson
Age: 17
Relation: enemy/ Queen bitch

We are about to enter when I hear a familiar nickname called out to me.

"Yo if it isn't Flame." I turn quickly to see the all to see my amazing best friend Gemini. She smirks and I run up to her and give her a hug.

"Long time no see Scorpio" I say to her chuckling at the nickname, get it because she's called Gemini haha.

"Long time no see Scorpio" I say to her chuckling at the nickname, get it because she's called Gemini haha

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Name: Gemini Lux
Age: 17
Relation: Best friend

"Guys meet Gemini, Gemini meet the squad that's Jax, Piper, Ace, Aspen and this is my boyfriend Jayce." They all greet each other and I check my schedule, "I have math first ughhh" I groan and Gemini says she has the same but the others don't so I give J a peck on the cheek and we head off.

"So what do you think of them?" I ask her and she shrugs before saying,

"Aspen is a beaut is she into girls?" I think for a moment. Well I know that Ace is gay but I never wondered about Aspen until just now when I'm my bisexual best friend asks.

"Hmm I don't know but I can ask her if you'd like?"

"Back to playing Cupid I see." She states with a smirk which I return before replying,

"What you talking about? I am Cupid." We laugh and head into Math.

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