The date

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Today's the day. More specifically in around 20 minutes.
I'm rushing around my room getting ready for my date with Jayce and I can feel the butterflies in my stomach going crazy. I don't know what we are doing, J said it was a surprise but I don't mind, I love surprises anyways!

I just got finished in the shower and walk to my closet with a towel wrapped around me. I get out a blue dress and black heels, and place my signature leather jacket on my shoulders. I leave my hair in its natural waves and do some natural makeup - I don't like a lot of makeup.

Just as I finish adding the finishing touches to my look, I hear knocking on the door- eek he's here! I rush over to the door, take a deep breath, and open

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Just as I finish adding the finishing touches to my look, I hear knocking on the door- eek he's here! I rush over to the door, take a deep breath, and open. My jaw almost drops at how hot Jayce looks! He's wearing a white shirt half buttoned and black jeans, with some black combat boots.

After I finish checking him out - don't judge me, he's hot! I notice that he is still staring at me and I could swear that I just saw him blush too!

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After I finish checking him out - don't judge me, he's hot! I notice that he is still staring at me and I could swear that I just saw him blush too!

"Wow, Spitfire you look... wow!" He stutters, still gawking at me as a blush creeps onto his cheeks.

"You don't look to bad yourself" I say as I also feel my cheeks heat up. I shut the door behind me and lean in giving him a light peck then whisper,

"You're cute when you blush, babes" which only causes his cheeks to become more red. He's so cute.

We walk hand in hand down the dark street, it is lit up by the street lights and the sun is just starting to set.

"Where are we going?" I ask as my curiosity is getting the better of me.

"I told you, Spitfire, it's a surprise and we better hurry if we are going to get there on time!" He says as he gently pulls me to walk a little quicker. He drags me over to a street corner where I see the most beautiful motorcycle I have ever seen! I watch as J jumps on and looks at me expectantly, I quickly rush over and sit on the back, my arms wrapped around Jayce as he starts it up.

 He drags me over to a street corner where I see the most beautiful motorcycle I have ever seen! I watch as J jumps on and looks at me expectantly, I quickly rush over and sit on the back, my arms wrapped around Jayce as he starts it up

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As we ride down the street, I rub my hands up J's abs - they are hard as rocks, he has an 8 pack. I think he noticed because he says,

"Are you having fun there Blake?" With a chuckle, I just blush and carry on. He pulls up to a beach as the sun sets and J leans down to my ear to whisper,

"Race ya!" Before I can even work out what he means, he sprints to the sea stripping into his underwear, laughing. I follow his lead and strip as we both just in. We swim for about half an hour and don't stop laughing as we splash each other and I even giggle - like wtf I never giggle!

As we are about to get out, Jayce takes my hand and stops me with a nervous look on his face. I've never seen him nervous, he always keeps his mask of confidence that I didn't even know he could be nervous!

"What's wrong J?" I ask anxiously as I await him to stat talking.

"Spitfire, I know that we only met recently and we don't know everything about one another but I've never felt the way I do with you. It's like a connection, that I need to be around you. I guess what I'm trying to say is Blakelynn," he stops and then looks at me for reassurance, I nod for him to continue, "Will you be my girlfriend?"

I excitedly nod my head and before I get chance to actually answer, he smashes his lips onto mine and we plunge into a deeply passionate kiss, he lifts me into his arms and holds me tightly, not wanting to let me go and before we know it the sky reaches it's full sunset, beautiful arrays of purple, pink and orange paint the sky. This moment is picture perfect!

At the end of our date we sneak through the halls of the school, trying not to get caught and as we reach our doors we embrace each other in a tight hug and he gently pecks my lips,

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At the end of our date we sneak through the halls of the school, trying not to get caught and as we reach our doors we embrace each other in a tight hug and he gently pecks my lips,

"Goodnight Spitfire"
"Night J"

I gently close my door and tiredly walk towards my closet to change then I check the time, 3:17am. Well I'm gonna be tired tomorrow! I fall back into my bed and drift to sleep.

The smile on my face from the start of the night has never left.

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