Cherry Bombs

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Time jump - nearing end of school
Blakelynn's POV
So we are almost done with this 'delinquents school' and we will be able to go back home soon enough! I would be more excited but apparently my dad wants me to go to a meeting with home as soon as I get to our house. Ughhh I'm sick of it already and I'm not even out yet! Anyways, Jayce and I are still going strong - ikr #couplegoals - and at some point between Christmas and New year, Legacy and Jax started dating! We all saw it coming though their ship name kinda sucks - Lax. I can't come up with one for me and J, it would either be Blayce or Jayklynn. Aspen and Ace also still have their daily petty arguments but I'm used to it by now.

I have also told the squad about the mafia that I'll have to take over and they all wanted to join - thank the lord! I could definitely not do it without them - enough with the mushy stuff now though ew. I also told my parents that I wouldn't finish senior year in a normal school if the squad couldn't come so they managed to get us all into one together - even getting us matching schedules, told ya they are rich. We are going to rule the school seeing as we are all badass and I'm especially awesome if I do say so myself!
"Hey B," Piper starts, "seeing as we are finishing school in normal high school, are we all going to be going to prom?" She asks, she's playing it down but I can see the excitement in her eyes.

Right now we are sat in my room, after getting off the phone with my parents and telling the squad about our school plans.

I hear Aspen and a few of the boys groan, they hate dressing up - and Aspen hates dresses, and makeup, and basically anything girly!

"Yes I've always wanted to go to prom, don't get me wrong I've been to balls and stuff but proms different!" I almost squeal thinking about it- I may not like makeup that much but I LOVE clothes - all types!

"Omg yesssss and we should go shopping for dresses!" Legacy replies, Legacy loves to shop, for anything and everything - even thing she doesn't need, rich girl perks I guess.

Aspen groans again but doesn't complain because she knows that she is going to be dragged shopping anyways. She'll love it really! I think to myself before getting cut from my thoughts by a smirking Aspen,

"I can't go if I don't have a date!" Damn she doesn't have a date either! I'll find her one, I mean I basically manifested Jax and Legacy together and look how they turned out!

"I guess I'll have to play Cupid - for you, Piper and Ace!" I grin, I have a mighty fine gaydar and from what I see, Ace is totally into boys.

"Nah thanks, I'm not really interested in any girls I've ever met." I replies nonchalantly - I knew it!

"What do you mean?" Piper asks furrowing her brows in confusion.

"Erm, I-I don't really s-swing that way, I guess" ace replies, nervously scratching his arm. I squeal and pull him into a hug,

"Ace I always want a gay best friend! Now I can find you a hot guy! Omg your gonna be such a cute couple! Just you wait!" I yell while being pried off of ace by Jayce and Aspen, oops maybe I got a little overexcited!

"Okay baby, okay calm down - your gonna squeeze him to death!" Jayce talks me while hugging me tightly, I giggle and peck his cheek.

"Okay guys I need help picking an outfit for tonight!"
Tonight, the squad are all going to sneak out and go to the club because it's Aspen and Ace's birthday and they said they want to get wasted! I mean I have no complaints to be honest I love the club!

"Okay guys I need help picking an outfit for tonight!"Tonight, the squad are all going to sneak out and go to the club because it's Aspen and Ace's birthday and they said they want to get wasted! I mean I have no complaints to be honest I love the...

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