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Blakelynn's POV - 2 days later
Right now I'm sat in my room which my supposed parents actually bothered to pay for someone to decorate- believe me I'm shocked. My parents couldn't give two shits about how I am, yes they're rich but it doesn't mean I saw any of their money - it usually went on alcohol for my alcoholic father and drugs for my addict of a mother. You may be wondering where the money even comes from and my answer to that is: I honestly have no idea. They claim that I can't have any of the money because I was 'just a drunken mistake that ruined their lives' in  the words of my loving father dearest. Charming, I know.

Anyways, my bedroom is decorated in a black and white theme with a gorgeous white rug and lots of fluffy cushions, just how I like it!

Anyways, my bedroom is decorated in a black and white theme with a gorgeous white rug and lots of fluffy cushions, just how I like it!

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After admiring my new room,I'm about to get ready for bed when I hear a knock at the door.

That's weird who would be knocking at this time.

I don't know, why don't you open the door and find out

What if it's a serial killer!

Technically aren't you a serial killer?

Oh shut up!

I'm interrupted from arguing with my subconscious when there are not knocks at the door.

"I'm coming, Jeez!"I mutter and I make my way to the door. I open it to see, the squad all looking at me expectantly. Why are they all here dressed in black?

"What?" I ask and they all exchange glances until Jayce speaks up-

"We're sneaking out, get dressed and then knock on my door- we'll wait there." He explains before walking off.

"Bossy much" I scoff under my breath before shutting the door and making my way to the closet. I pull out black ripped jeans, a dark green crop top, throw on some black combat boots and grab my black leather jacket, before heading towards J's door.

 I pull out black ripped jeans, a dark green crop top, throw on some black combat boots and grab my black leather jacket, before heading towards J's door

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