Panic attacks and Pregnancy tests

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Blakelynn's POV- (from where we left off)
"Shit" we say. in unison, I can see the panick spread across Jayce's face and can feel my breathing begin to pick up.

"What are we gonna do if-" Jayce begins but I cut him off.


"But Blake we have to talk about the possib-"



"Jayce stop! I'm not talking about it! I am probably not even pregnant anyway! I'm not about to be popping out babies at 17 years old! Damn I hate - no I despise kids!" I practically scream and can feel the tears starting to prick my eyes but I'm not about to cry over something that isn't gonna happen.

"If you don't want to talk about it now that's fine. But we still need to be prepared for the consequences of what we did!" Jayce says gently, trying to sooth me, it kinda works.

"Whatever J, lets go I need a muffin to get me in a better mood." I reply, rolling my eyes and waking to my closet to grab some clothes. I grab a yellow overall dress, a cream sweater and black combat boots. I run a brush through my hair and head over to my door with Jayce following after he gets back, fully clothed.

 I run a brush through my hair and head over to my door with Jayce following after he gets back, fully clothed

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"Hey guys" a tired looking Piper says while eating a granola bar. The others all murmur 'hello' before going back to eating. They're definitely hungover!

"Hi" I say quietly while sitting down with a muffin. I'm still feeling on edge from this morning and I can sense that Jayce is too. I pick at my muffin because even though I love them, I'm way to tense to eat right now. I suddenly feel a hand on my forehead and turn to see that it belongs to Legacy.

"You feelin alright, you ain't even touched your muffin!" Legacy explain, chuckling at her joke along with the rest of the squad apart from J and I.

I shrug and push of her hand, not wanting to talk to anybody about what's making me anxious. I feel Jayce's hand on my thigh trying to calm my nerves but it doesn't work like it usually does.

"Seriously though, what's up with you two, you both seem tense." Aspen points out while glancing between me and Jayce.

"Yeah you're not pregnant or suttin are ya?" Ace jokes, causing everyone to laugh but me and Ace just stiffen and share a nervous glance. I hope nobody noticed!

"Wait a min are yo-" Jax begins but is cut off by both Jayce and I yelling in unison, "NO!" A little too quickly.

"Okay jeez I was just asking," I hear Jax mutter under his breathe but I ignore it.

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