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Blakelynn's POV ~Dream/Flashback(12 year old Blake)
Im panting as I sprint through the forest at the back of the mansion. A cold sweat covers my back and I can feel myself starting to stumble but I have to keep running. If I don't then he'll find me. My head begins to pound from the impact of hitting it on the wall earlier today but it thankfully didn't bleed. His harsh words cloud my mind as I run,

'You're worthless'

'You're weak'

'We should have given you up for adoption at least then I wouldn't be stuck with you'

'It should have been you that died in that fire' -that one hurt the most.

You see I wasn't always an only child, in fact I was a twin. My brother Bianco was supposed to be the one that trained for the mafia however when we were only four years old, our house caught on fire and he passed away just minutes before the firemen came to the rescue. They said it was a miracle that I survived that day but my father has told me many times that it was a mistake.

"BLAKELYNN ROSA BLAZE, ¿DÓNDE ESTAS TU PUTA PEQUEÑO?" (Where are you, you little bitch?) I hear my father yell but I remain in my position behind a fallen tree.

All of a sudden I feel myself being dragged backwards and look up to see my father enraged and muttering about all the things he's going to do to me when we get home. I gulp.

We get inside and he throws me to the floor, I should have never ran it was my fault that I was going to be yelled at. If I'd have just killed the boy then none of this would have happened.

"Now Blakelynn tell me why are you being punished?" My father asked calmly which scares me more.

"Because I ran away instead of killing the heir to the Italian Mafia."

My father had made a deal with the leader who had backed out right before the deadline. The plan was to kidnap his son and I was to kill him but when I looked at him, his piercing green eyes made my heart flutter and I couldn't do it. So first I let him escape through the vents and then I ran. I believe his name was Jayce but I will probably never see him again.

"Sí now you are to head down to the basement we're your punishment will begin." My father spits and I follow his orders.

Punishments for me are not as strict as the others in the mafia due to my age and me being the heir. I have to stand against a wall while the younger or newer members train their knife throwing skills, let's just say they aren't very good and it's extremely painful. However this time going back to the basement, I don't feel bad for what I did, I'm glad I saved Jayce and if we someday meet again then I hope we will be friends.

I wake with a start, breathing heavily and look down to see Jayce asleep next to me on the bed. I instantly calm at his presence before going over my dream, or memory.

"Holy shit" I whisper to myself causing J to stir awake.

"What's wrong?" He says in a gruff voice from his sleep.

"Y-you're the boy."

"What boy? Blake slow down and explain to me"

"The boy. From the basement when I was twelve, I was supposed to kill you but I let you go" his eyes widen from hearing this.

"Oh my god. I knew I recognised your mesmerising eyes from somewhere. Holy shit we met when we were only young." He stated and I nod before replying,

"You know when I was younger I thought about you for months, wether you were safe, if I'd meet you again" and without leaving any space for me to continue he leans forward and kisses me passionately before pulling away and saying,

"I thought about you too. So so much and I always said when I was older I would go back and rescue you." I peck his lips and reply,

"You did."

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