She can't be that dangerous...

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Jayce's POV
Ugh, here we are again, me and the squad just got out of our daily detention (don't judge, we like trouble) and are now sat at the best table, in the centre of the cafeteria. It's the best because it's the largest and we can be aware of everybody around us. I, of course, am top dog around here - I mean it's kind of expected when I have the highest danger level of the whole school (Level A*).

The school has a level system of which helps the guards to know which kids to keep an eye on. For this reason, people with higher levels like myself have to be given a guard in the first two weeks of ours stay, so that they know that we won't cause harm to anybody else.

"Hey guys did you hear about the new kid that's coming today?" Piper excitedly asked from beside me.

"Yeah apparently they're pretty dangerous,"Jax chimes in, he is a level C so compared to the rest of the squad, he's about as dangerous as a kitten.

"You think everyone is dangerous around here, what you in for again? Oh yeah dealing" scoffs Ace from where he is sitting opposite Jax. Even though they aren't related, anybody would think they were brothers, the way they bicker.

"Oh leave him alone, I remember our first crime when you almost got us caught for assaulting that guy who we were stealing guns from! If I hadn't dragged you away then we would have been shipped off here a long time ago" Aspen scolds her brother, resulting in a petty argument over their crimes - they do this all the time I swear!

" Oh for crying out loud, SHUT THE F*CK UP!" I yell at the twins, "Anyway back to what we were talking about, do any of you idiots know the new kid's level?" I ask, I'm curious if they can actually be as dangerous as these fools are making out.

I glance at Jax who is now whispering something into pipers ear, making her turn to me and gulps. She looks anxious trying to see how I will react. I mean come on it can't be that high...Can it?

I turn to Piper, getting frustrated, "Well? Spit it out!" She gasps at my sudden raise in voice and quietly mumbles...
"They are Level A**"
I have hardly any time to process what Piper had just said when my thoughts are interrupted by a loud bang, as the cafeteria doors are thrown open revealing a stunning, petite girl. The new kid.

Aspen leans over and whisper shouts to the squad, "She's the Level A** kid?!"
" B-But she's a girl!" Ace exclaims, stuttering slightly - this is shortly followed by a strong punch in the arm by his twin sister.
"What was that for?!" He yells, rubbing his arm.
"So what if she's a girl, I wasn't talking about that! I meant that she looks so innocent - like she couldn't hurt a fly! Surely she can't be that dangerous." Aspen replies, rolling her eyes at Ace.

I turn my attention back to the girl, she stood shifting her gaze around the room - observing everyone until her gaze fell on mine. I was about to agree with Aspen until I saw the glint in new girl's eyes - it was almost like the same one I see when I look in the mirror - craziness.

Thank you so much for reading this chapter and let me know if you are I'm enjoying it . Also, this is my first book so give me any ideas (who should date etc) and also ideas for future scents you would like to see!

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