Knock Out

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I notice Jayce send a quick glare in Jax's direction after he welcomed me to the squad, but Jax is too busy rambling on to me about something - which I'm not listening to - that he didn't even realise Jayce.

We pass around 20 minutes by them telling me stories about their charges and the twins getting into a petty argument over something unimportant until Jayce turns to me.

"Listen up, Blaze" he practically spits my surname and I pretended to wipe my forehead in disgust, while smirking at myself - I'm hilarious. "I'm top dog around here, everyone knows it and I-"

I hold my hand up and interrupt him, he looks back at me in shock as I start to talk "Well Jayce," I mock him "You may have been 'top dog' before but theirs a new bitch in town and believe me when I say, nobody messed with me!"

With that I turn to piper and we start chatting again, leaving Jayce speechless.

Blakelynn - 1
Jayce - 0

The atmosphere suddenly changes and I look up to see a blonde bimbo from the 'plastic table', as the sound call it - I agree they do look kinda plastic.

The atmosphere suddenly changes and I look up to see a blonde bimbo from the 'plastic table', as the sound call it - I agree they do look kinda plastic

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Name: Blair Jenkins (Pamela Reif)
Age: 16
Level: C
Crimes: Assault

She casts me a quick glare before turning to face Jayce, I notice that his eyes flash with frustration when he sees her until he quickly speaks up,

"What do you want Blair?" He snaps, she looks slightly taken aback until covering her expression with a fake smile.

"Baby," I cringe at the nickname - wait am I jealous, nah I just met the guy. It's just her sickly voice making me cringe, "Why can't I sit with the squad but that can?" She emphasises the 'that' and points at me.



I'll show her what 'that' can do!

I quickly stand up and walk over to Ms.Plastic, she looks at me with a smirk and that's all it takes for me to quickly swing my fist, knocking her out cold in one punch. Weak.

Everyone gasps and the room goes silent. I calmly walk back over to where I was sitting and take my seat again, stealing some more food from Jax's tray.


I turn towards where the shout came from and notice a furious Albert at the door. I was wondering where he went!

"Bertie!" I yell as I wave frantically trying to get his attention. He turns towards me with a scowl on his face, I don't know why he's so mad, all I did was knock out some bimbo - I've done worse. I shrug at the thought and head over to Bertie.

"You've been year for an hour and have already sent a girl to the infirmary?!" I smirk and respond confidently,
"She deserved it." I shrug again and head down the corridor, shortly followed by Albert as he shakes his head.

Jayce's POV

The squad and I chat to Blakelynn about our crimes and I still can't believe she interrupted my warning AND gave one of her own. She has guts, I'm intrigued.
The atmosphere totally shifts when I noticed the queen plastic, Blair make her way over to our table. Ugh, why can't she just take the hint that I'm not interested in her, she is about as fake as a Barbie doll - I swear.

"Baby," she whines, I grimace at her high pitch voice as it rattles in my ears making me cringe. I notice that Blakelynn is sharing the same look but in her eyes also flashes another emotion - jealousy? Nah can't be she just met me anyway, it's probably just the fact that Blair came over whining like a bitch. "Why can't I sit with the squad but that can?" She points in Blake's direction and I notice that Blakelynns fists clench so hard that they turn white - Shits about to go down!

She doesn't speak up like I expect her to though. Instead she calmly stands and approaches Blair, who is just smirking down at the petite, brunette girl. All of a sudden I see Blake's fist swing at Blair creating a loud cracking sound, causing Blair to fall to the ground unconscious! Wow!

Blakelynn just goes back to where she was sitting and carries on eating as if nothing had happened. The room goes silent and everyone stares, jaws dropped as they process what had just happened.

I notice that the squad are just staring at Blake in amusement with smirks and grins plastered all over their faces. Even though I try to hide my amazement, I can't help but think about how beautifully badass she is - wait did I just call her beautiful? Oh well I'm not wrong.
I hope you enjoyed this chapter, I just wanted to say that I don't actually think that Pam looks plastic, she is gorgeous - I just used her pic so you all can have an idea of what Blair would look like. Make sure you vote and comment ideas! x

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