The dreaded birthday

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Blakelynn's POV
I woke up and rolled over to check my phone,

November 27th

Holy shit, it's my birthday and I didn't even know. I mean I'm not surprised, I don't tend to celebrate it anyways - I hate my birthday. I swear if anybody says anything about it imma be real pissed!

I get out of bed and head to the bathroom to shower and brush my teeth, yesss finally no period woooh! Anyways after I'm finished in the bathroom, I head to my closet and pull out a white T-shirt, black skinny leather jeans and Black boots. I do natural makeup and straitened my hair before grabbing my signature leather jacket.

As I make my way up to the table for breakfast, I notice the squad all whispering and hushing each other when I sit

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As I make my way up to the table for breakfast, I notice the squad all whispering and hushing each other when I sit. They all stare at me and the whole atmosphere is tense.

"What's up with you lot?" I question while tucking into my muffin, they exchange glances not saying anything.

"What?!" I snap because they are really getting in my nerves.

"Happy-" Piper starts but is cut of my Legacy covering her mouth and me saying,

"Don't finish that sentence"

I look around the table and notice Jayce is missing, I'm about to ask where he is but I'm cut off by a kiss on the cheek and a whisper,

"Happy birthday spitfire"

My smile drops and before anyone says anything I stand up a run back to my room. As I enter I can feel my breathing pick up and tears start to prick my eyes. I hear my fathers loud commands that he drills into my head every year!

"Happy birthday Mija"

"Another year older, more training"

"Mija we are not celebrating, we are working!"

"You need to be ready to take over by 18!"

"No Distractions, Birthdays are distractions!"

Im quickly taken from my thoughts at the sound of a knock on my door,

"B, it's Legacy, please let me in hun, it's just me!"
I rush over to the door, unlock it and Legacy enters locking it behind her. I'm engulfed in a hug - Legacy is the only one who knows the reason I hate my birthday because she was trained the same way due to her father being second in command. When we turn 18, I will become leader of the Spanish Mafia and Legacy 2nd.

"I can't do this anymore Legacy, yes I wanna take over but not at 18! That's in a year, I-I'm not ready but I don't want to disappoint my father!" I ramble on, holding back the tears like I've been trained to do.

"Show no emotion"

"Tears are a weakness!"

"Blazes are not weak!"

"I know B, but hey, you're not alone! You have me and the squad and Jayce. We'll always be there for you! Maybe the squad will join the mafia too, I heard they did gang work and you know that Jayce will never leave you! He loves you - we all do" she reassures me and I feel myself calming down.

"Thanks L, I'm glad I have you, you're not my best friend, you're my sister! I love you too" I mumble as we pull away.

"Let's go back, we can get more muffins and I'll tell the group not to mention it if you want,"

"Actually L, I think I should just suck it up, you have the same experience but at least you don't have a panic attack every time someone mentions the phrase 'Happy Birthday'" I say with a small smile and we walk back to the table.

Jayce rushes up to me,
"Oh my god, Baby I'm so sorry I didn't know or I wouldn't have said anything, I didn't want to upset you but I-" I cut him of from his rambling with a kiss and a look of confusion crosses his face.

"It's okay Babes, I shouldn't have rushed out like that, you only wished me happy birthday, thank you" I explain and a look of relief flashes over his face while we sit down.

"So erm, if you're okay now, I got you something" J exclaims while pulling out a small box with a bow on it. I open it and take out a gorgeous necklace.

"It's beautiful babes!" I squeal and put it on,

"Ah but watch this!" He shine a light on it a the necklace projects many languages on the table.
"It says 'I love you' in 100 languages" he explains which causes many awes from the girls on the table.

"Omg Babes, that so thoughtful I love it thank you so much!" I yell, jumping into his arms and giving him a kiss

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"Omg Babes, that so thoughtful I love it thank you so much!" I yell, jumping into his arms and giving him a kiss. He smiles and I whisper,

"I love you"

"I love you too, so much spitfire"

Sorry for the short chapters but I really need ideas! Please comment anything you want to see because I'm having a serious writers block and thanks for reading!

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