Strange. Definitely strange.

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Blakelynn's POV

"Blakelynn maybe you should sit down," Ace suggests.

"B why are you so nervous?" Aspen asks.

"Blake it's only been like 1 minute" Piper explains.

"Baby maybe you should-" I cut Jayce off,

"If I hear one more person telling me what I should or shouldn't do or feel, I'm actually going to take my fist, ram it down their throat, and pull out their oesophagus!" I snap, my voice a little louder than I expected but I couldn't help it.

Right now we are all sat in my bedroom, the test later on the floor and the squad in a circle around it waiting. I, on the other hand, am pacing around like a nervous reck! How is Jayce so chill about this?

The room goes silent and everybody looks a little taken aback by my sudden outburst but I don't even feel bad. At the moment all I can think about is whether or not that test will show one line or two.

After what felt like hours of waiting the timer goes off on my phone and we all stare at the test.

"Who's gonna look?" I question, because I definitely don't want to!

"I guess I will." Jayce explains as he carefully flips the test looking at it thoroughly. I notice him let out a sigh. Is that good? Sighs are usually bad signs though! Omg I wish he'd just speak the suspense is killing me!

"It's one line" Jayce pronounces, looking over to see my reaction. I sigh in relief. Don't get me wrong- I love kids but I'm definitely not ready! A smile makes its way onto my face as I feel all the nerves lift immediately.

"Good because I'm definitely not ready" I chuckle, causing the squad to join in.

"Well this was exhausting so get lost bitches imma go to sleep" I exclaim, causing a few laughs and rolls of eyes.

Once everyone leaves, I quickly change into a Nike shorts/cropped top set and through my hair into a messy bun.

I slide between my covers and begin to think about all that happened in the past few days, before letting my eyelids close and drifting to sleep

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I slide between my covers and begin to think about all that happened in the past few days, before letting my eyelids close and drifting to sleep.
4 W e e k s L a t e r
I wake up exhausted even though I got a full nights sleep but I don't think anything of it - I'm always tired anyways. I quickly jump out of bed and head to my bathroom to shower and brush my teeth. Once done, I head over to my closet to pick out my outfit. I decide on an off the shoulder white top with a blue denim skirt and black combat boots.

I apply light makeup and and straighten my hair before grabbing my phone and heading out the door

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I apply light makeup and and straighten my hair before grabbing my phone and heading out the door.

I'm soooo hungry!

When are you not hungry.

No but like I really want an açai bowl.

But you hate açai açai bowls!

Yeah well now I want one.


Yeah shut up stupid subconscious, I can get what I want!

I make my way into the cafeteria and grab the most delicious looking açai bowl I've ever seen. It has loads of berries that I probably won't  eat ever again but right now they are the tastiest looking things I've ever seen.

 It has loads of berries that I probably won't  eat ever again but right now they are the tastiest looking things I've ever seen

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I take my seat and the quad all give me weird looks as I took into my açai bowl.
"What?" I ask, furrowing my eyebrows in confusion.

"You're eating healthy?" Legacy asks, a laugh trying to escape her lips.

"Erm yeah I guess, why?" I say, still confused at their reaction.

"But what happened to your muffin?" Aspen asks as the others all nod at her question.

"I didn't want one today" I state with a shrug as I eat.

"But didn't you say you hated açai bowls?" Piper says with a look of confusion.

"Yeah but now I wanted one." I shrug again, they're starting to annoy me.

Sensing my annoyance, Jayce wraps his arms around my waist, pulling me into his lap. I inhale his usually sweet scent only to be caught off guard by a wave of nausea. Immediately, I pull a way with a grimace in my face.

"Where the fuck is that nasty ass cologne from?" I ask with a face of disgust clear on my face. J's smile drops to a frown and then confusion.

"Baby, this is the cologne I always wear. You usually love it, what's wrong?" He says concerned.

"It's just made me nauseas when I smelled it." I shrug before going back to my açai bowl. Strange.

The squad exchange glances but don't say anything while Jayce just stares at me strangely after Legacy whispers something into his ear. Definitely strange.

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