Pickle ice cream

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Jayce's POV- Same day as previous chapter.
Right now, the squad and I are all sat in the cafeteria for breakfast, Blake as usual is late, and we are just chatting about random things.

"If I punched myself and it hurt, does that make me strong or weak?" Ace asks the group, deep in thought.

"That would make you an idiot." Jax pipes up.

"What do you mean? He already is an idiot!"Aspen chimes in making everyone laugh while Ace just daydreams.

"So Jayce how are you after everything yesterday?" Legacy turns to me.

"Erm fine I guess. I mean I'm not going to lie, I'm definitely relieved, not that I don't want kids just, not at 17 you know?" I ramble on and she nods in understanding.

Just as Legacy opens her mouth to speak she stops and stares next to me. I didn't even realise Blake sit down but before I say anything I notice her breakfast. Where the hell are the muffins? I can tell everyone is thinking the same thing when they spot Blakelynn with the açai bowl - seeing as she always says she hates them!

Obviously confused by our reaction she asks, "what?" Her tone showing that she's frustrated with the stares.

"You're eating healthy?" Legacy asks.

"Erm yeah I guess, why?" She furrows her brows again in confusion.

"But what happened to your muffin?" Aspen asks as we all nod wanting to know the same thing.

"I didn't want one today" she states with a shrug as she tucks into her healthy breakfast.

"But didn't you say you hated açai bowls?" Piper says with a look of confusion.

"Yeah but now I wanted one." Blake shrugs and continues to eat.

I can see that she's annoyed at our constant questioning so I pull her onto my lap and into my chest, hugging her tightly. However, she almost immediately pulls away, looking as white as a ghost with a grimace in her face.

"Where the fuck is that nasty ass cologne from?"she asks while looking disgusted. I frown in confusion, she bought me this cologne for my birthday.

"Baby, this is the cologne I always wear. You usually love it, what's wrong?" I ask.

"It's just made me nauseas when I smelled it."she shrugs and goes back to her food. I notice the squad exchange glances at each other and don't know what it's about until Legacy whispers in my ear,

"Is it just me, or do these sound a lot like pregnancy symptoms?"

B-buts she can't be!

The test was negative.

Meaning no baby!

But she does have cravings...

And she has nausea...

And mood swings, she never gets annoyed like that at the squad over some questions!

Buts the test definitely said negative!

Blakelynn's POV
I finish my açai bowl and look up to see Jayce deep in thought and the squad still giving me funny looks, I swear if they don't stop imma drop kick them!

"I'm hungry!" I state, gaining yet another weird stare and snapping J from his thoughts.

"But you just ate" Jax tells me,

Wait, is he calling me fat?

I'm aware I eat a lot for a girl but  I didn't think I was that chunky.

Before I know it, I feel my bottom lip start to quiver and tears prick my eyes,
"A-are you called my m-me fat?" I whimper until I feel streams of tears starting to wet my face.

"N-no I wasn't! Y-you aren't fat B. I-I just was saying that you k-know, you already ate n all and I-" He's cut off by Jayce.

"Spitfire, he means you re far from fat! You're beautiful and smart, plus you had a healthy breakfast anyways so it doesn't matter if you're still hungry!" I smile at him and grab his muffin before eating half of it in one bite.

Suddenly I'm really in the mood for some pickles and ice cream!

"So baby, what would you like to eat?" He asks and I already know the answer.

"Pickles and ice cream!" I yell enthusiastically, while the squad look disgusted by my food choice but I don't care.

"Hun, where am I meant to get pickle ice cream?"

"Just get vanilla then but pickles in it!"

Around 20 minutes later, J returns with pickles a
ice cream -my saviour. I tuck in and it's delicious! How have I never tried this?.

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