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Blakelynn Rosa's POV
"Gracias Papa" I say and as leave the room a feel someone grab my wrist, so me being me I twist their arm and flip them over only to see my hot boyfriend.

"You shouldn't sneak up in 'La hija del Diablo' babes" I say with a wink and stand up.

"What the fuck is going on with you?"he replies, raising his voice,

"What do you mean, nothing's 'going on' with me. I'm simply having a good time. You should try it." I smirk as he looks stunned by my blunt reply.

"You're 'having a good time'? Is this some kind of sick joke to you? We all just stood and watched you torture a man to death, you looked disappointed when he died, and the worst part is you actually looked like you wanted to keep going." He yells at me, who does he think he is?

'God I know right, you should just go full blown Diablo on him!'

If it were anybody else I would but it's J!

'As I thought, you've gone weak since I was last in your head'

No I haven't!

'Yes you have, Jayce is making you weak!'

I'm interrupted from the conversation inside my head by Jayce,

"Hello? Are you even listening to me?"

"Ermm no?" I reply, it sounds more like a question.

"Unbelievable. Listen I don't know what dumb voodoo shit your father has pulled to turn u into some cold hearted psychopath but this isn't the girl I fell in love with." As I hear these words leave his mouth I lose it.

"How dare you! I let you into my heart, you gain my trust, for fuck sake I let you join my future mafia and you have the audacity to call me a 'cold hearted psychopath'? Oh babes if you really wanna see a psychopath, then I'll give you a full on cold hearted, psycho bitch!" I scream, probably catching the attention of the whole house but I don't care.

With that I punch him flat in the jaw hearing a satisfying crack and I smile, before turning to leave. Not before facing him and saying,

"Oh and this relationship is over, I don't care if I'm carrying your baby! You really thought I'd let the darkness take over before? Hun you were the one thing keeping the tiny piece of humanity I still had, now it's gone and I'm back!" I leave the room, slamming the door behind me.

Oh it's good to be back.

'Indeed it is Rosa, indeed it is.'
I walk up to my father's office and knock on the door, a guard answers and nods his head before letting me enter.

'Hola mija, what can I do for you?" He says without looking up from his computer,

"Buenos tardes Papa, I just thought I should inform you that I'm back, you may now refer to me as Rosa." I state with a smirk which my father returns,

"My dear Rosa, I assume this is due to your fight with the boy earlier today?" My father asks while turning his attention away from the computer and towards me.

"Sí Papa, if he really wants to see a psychopath, I'll give him one, you and me both know that nobody's more of a psycho than Rosa or as they know me as, 'La hija del Diablo'."

"Did you not tell them yet?" My father questions, an intrigued look on his face.

"No Papa, there are only few people that know of my dissociative identity disorder, that being me, you, Legacy, Luca and Mama. And I plan on keeping it that way."

"Very well, Rosa. Are you not afraid of Legacy telling your new friends about it?" He asks and I think for a moment before replying,

"No, I mean firstly due to the fact that I'm emotionless now and secondly because Legacy is scared of Blakelynn's alter ego, aka me, therefore I know she is not of a threat. Now if you'll excuse me Papa, I must go. I have an appointment for a checkup to see what's going on with this pregnancy thing."

"You don't seem to happy about the fact you may be carrying an heir."

"I'm not. The only reason I'm keeping this thing is because it's the heir! Blake is the one who likes kids, I however hate them with every inch of my body." I reply, a scowl apparent on my face.

"I see, we'll run along Rosa I won't keep you, please don't kill your friends."

"As long as they don't piss me off they'll be fine." With that I leave the room,

'Why say you despise kids Rosa, you know we are the same person right?'

Shut up Blakelynn, I only want this kid if it doesn't have emotions!

'Rosa all babies have emotions'

Then we'll train it.

I'm rudely interrupted from my inner argument as I bump into Aspen.

"Are you okay Blake, you seem a little off" she says, I reply with,

"Oh I've never felt better." I chuckle to myself and walk past her, leaving her stunned at my coldness.

I enter the hall that has the house doctor and see Legacy speaking with Luca, time to show them who's back!

"Hello my not biological siblings." They look at me with confused faces at my sudden cheeriness,

"Well what are we standing around for? Didn't you miss me?" A look of anxiety crosses both their faces before Legacy answers me,

"R-Rosa?" I give her a smirk before nodding my head and then checking the time,

"Shit, I have to go to this stupid doctor appointment to see if I'm carrying a devil or not. Anyone wanna come?" They hesitate and look at each other before nodding and following me to the doctor.
"C-congratulations Ms Blaze, y-your baby is in f-fine health." She stutters before quickly leaving the room.

"Well Rosa, h-how do you feel?" Luca asks me, obviously scared of my reaction.

"I don't feel anything, I'm emotionless remember?" I say bluntly, in a duh tone before standing to leave, the two following nervously behind me.

"So where are we going now?" Legacy asks hesitantly.

"We are going to ask my father what the squad's next stage of training will be and I will announce my unfortunate circumstances at dinner this evening."I say bluntly.

"Oh cheer up Bla- I mean Rosa. Look on the bright side now when you have an heir you will be able to train them and the mafia will carry on in your bloodline." Luca says in a cheery voice, ugh how can someone be so enthusiastic all the damn time?

"Yeah I guess." I reply as we reach my father's office.

I knock and just as before, the guard lets us enter.
"Hola Papa" I say in order to catch his attention.

"Hola Rosa, Legacy and Luca. What may I do for you?" My father replies calmly which I think eases up their nerves.

"I was just wondering what we will be doing next for the squad's training?" I reply while taking a seat opposite him, Legacy and Luca follow suit.

"I was thinking that we just jump right onto torture, I want to see their skills before I train them." He replies, a smug look on his face, I grin in return.

"What an amazing idea Papa." I say excitedly, kissing his cheek before leaving the room with my friends.

This should be good.

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