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Blakelynn's POV- lunch
Right now we are sat at our lunch table in the cafeteria Aspen and Ace are having another heated debate about whether pineapple belongs on pizza. Like, I fully agree with Aspen - it does NOT! Thats gross! My thoughts are interrupted as I feel a hand placed on my thigh, I gasp and everyone looks at me with confusion while Jayce just chuckles, jerk. I elbow him in the side causing him to wince in pain, I laugh.

"Hold up, is something going on between you too?!" Jax quickly asked with a smirk, I feel the heat rise to my cheeks.

"HA! Piper you ow me $20!"Aspen yells, causing a few people to turn and stare, she sends them a glare and they swiftly turn back around.

"Wait did you bet on us?" Jayce asks from beside me with a glare.

"Yup." Piper states, popping the 'p' as she hands Aspen the money.

J and I share a look of shock and amusement at our friends and then go back to eating because for a school for delinquents, the muffins are to die for!

We talk about pointless things and then we hear a mound bang as the doors swing open - much like when I first joined - we turn to see a petite girl with black hair and huge green eyes that I would recognise anywhere!

We talk about pointless things and then we hear a mound bang as the doors swing open - much like when I first joined - we turn to see a petite girl with black hair and huge green eyes that I would recognise anywhere!

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Name: Legacy Royelle (Evon Wahab)
Age: 16
Level: A**
Crimes: theft of over £1million worth of merchandise , murders, illegal street fighter, possession of illegal firearms, assault

"LEGACYYYY" I scream and run up to her, practically jumping into her arms as we hug.

"I missed you to bestie." She says pulling away from out embrace - she's not a fan of emotions, never has been.

"Com on you have to meet the squad!" I say as I drag her towards the centre table in the cafeteria. I take my seat and she sits next to Jax, stealing his muffin from his tray and taking a bite.

We are basically the same person.

That's what happens when you are friends with someone since the age of 2.

Oh shut up subconscious you can't dull my sparkle when L is here!

"So who is this girl that you just dragged to our table, B?" Aspen asks gesturing to Legacy.

"This 'girl' can speak for herself, thank you very much!" L interrupts.

"You remind me so much of myself that it freaks me out" I say with a laugh and she playfully glares at me before starting,

"So, I'm Legacy Royelle-" she's interrupted by a scoff coming from Ace.

"Legacy Royelle? You some rich girl or something, sorry princess there are no salons here" he laughs at his own joke but I just smirk as I see Legacy stand up and walk over to him, she whispers something into his ear and his face pales before he states,

"What a lovely name it is too!" Everyone laughs and L begins again,

"Anyways, before I was so rudely interrupted," she glares at Ace who just looks at the floor nervously, "I'm Legacy, I'm 16 years old and this bitch's best friend!" She laughs a little while pointing towards me.

"What you in here for and what's your level?" Jayce asks bluntly getting to the point.

"My level is A**," they gasp, "And is in here for the same crimes as Blake." She states calmly.

After seeing their confused faces I decide to clear it up, " she's my partner in crime and the second best street fighter, her ring name is 'Raven'"

"Omg I knew you looked familiar! I fought against you once, my ring name is 'Shadow'" which gains a gasp from Legacy,

"Oh yeah, you're the girl who through the amazing uppercut, blondie I don't lose many fights and let me tell you ,I thought I was going to pass out at the end!" She says with a chuckle and then glances over to me, Jayce's hand is back on my thigh and she raised her eyebrows.

"Omg Blakey why didn't you tell me you have a boyfriend!" She teases and once again I feel my cheeks heat up from a blush.

"Anyways let me introduce to you the squad!" I quickly change the subject, "This is Jayce, Aspen, Jax, Piper and Ace" they all greet eachother and then we continue eating.

I'm interrupted from eating when I phone pings,

We're sneaking out tonight for our date. Be ready by lights out x - J x

I look up to see Jayce smiling at me and I smile back, he makes me happy.

Okay pretty boy. Can't wait xx - Spitfire

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