Sparks, Passion, Fireworks

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Blakelynns's POV - a few days after the fight

beep, beep, beep, beep, bee- SMASH
I groan as I'm woken up by the dumb alarm clock's annoying beeping. I reach over without lifting my head and throw it as hard as I can at the wall, it's smashed to pieces. I roll over and pick up my phone checking the time - 7:30am! Ughhh.

Soooo early

Hey at least it's breakfast


So, breakfast = food!

Why didn't you say that earlier?!

Because I didn't think you were that dumb

Shut up stupid subconscious!

I quickly roll out of bed and rush to the bathroom to shower. Once I'm done, I come out wrapped in a towel. shivering slightly at the draft from my room and make my way to the closet to find my outfit for today. I pick out a long sleeved black top, a yellow plaid skirt and my black combat boots.

I quickly put a brush through my hair and leave it in natural waves, before doing some very light natural makeup

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I quickly put a brush through my hair and leave it in natural waves, before doing some very light natural makeup.

I make my way to the door, being sure to pick up my phone on the way and open it to see Bertie stood outside waiting.

"Good morning Bertie!" I say in a sing song voice, I watch as he almost smirks - I knew he would warm up to my fabulous ways! We head to the cafeteria and I run up to the squad table with a waffle in hand from the kitchen.

"Hey my beautiful besties!" I shout and they all grumble tiredly, looking at me like I have grown another head, which I know I haven't because I would have noticed when I did my makeup.

"Why you looking at me like that?" I pout slightly confused until Aspen speaks up,

"Ugh I forgot you're a morning person, are you ever not happy?" I just shrug and then Jayce turns to the group and explains,

"She didn't sound happy this morning when I heared something smash against the wall from her room, next door to mine." He looks me in the eyes and I blush slightly - God why does he have this effect on me?

"Oh yeah, that would be my alarm clock which is now in about 50 pieces on my bedroom floor" I say with a smirk. They group all look slightly shocked at my statement but I'm snapped out of my thoughts when my phone vibrates:

You're cute when you blush. - J x

I feel my whole face start to burn but nobody seems to notice except for Jayce, who is looking at me really smug, we'll see how smug he looks now -

Why text it me when I'm sat right here? You scared of what will happen when the group realises your little crush on me J?💋 - Spitfire

I watch in satisfaction as Jayce's whole face turns to a shade of scarlet red before he quickly gets up to 'get more waffles' after signalling for me to follow, which I do.

"Where are we going?" I ask J as he drags me to his room ignoring me.

"Jeez already trying to get me to bed? I see how it is babes" I say with a chuckle, as he sits on the bed patting a space next to him for me to sit.

"What's going on?" He asks me quickly, I furrow my brows in confusion at his question. He must have noticed my expression because he elaborates,

"Between us. What's with all the flirty texts and comments and nicknames?" I look at him a little taken aback because to be completely honest - I have never felt like this before either.

"I don't know" I say bluntly which just seems to frustrate him even more.

"Don't lie to me Spitfire!" He exclaims, raising his voice slightly, who does he think he is to talk to me like that!

"Well why don't you tell me J? You are equally as flirty with me as I am with you, plus you have nicknames for me too!" I snap back, if there is one thing that pisses me off it's when people yell at me like I'm some child, I may be small but you should never underestimate me. Ever.

He looks a little shocked my my sudden change in tone and his expression softens slightly. We sit in silence for a few minutes before Jayce begins,

"I don't know what it is about you Blake but for some reason you never leave my head. It's like I feel this urge to always protect you and have you near me. Like when you were fighting, I felt sick to my stomach that you wouldn't make it out of that ring. I guess what I'm trying to say is," he stops talking and looks at me hesitantly to see my reaction, I just nod at him and gently say'

"Is what?"

"I think I like you Blakelynn."

He, he l-likes me? Wait did pretty boy actually just say that? Omg omg omg omg om-

Just shut up thinking and answer him already!Poor boy is a wreck of nerves jeez!

Oh shut up!

"I think, I l-like you too." I whisper, stuttering slightly and slowly look up as my gaze meets his, he smiles - a genuine smile - and pulls my into a hug. He hugs me tight as to never let me go and it can't help but feel right.

He pulls away and I can't help but feel disappointed but that feeling doesn't last long before he lifts my chin up and leans in planting a kiss on my lips.

Sparks, Passion, Fireworks.

These are all I can feel as the kiss becomes more and more intense. I feel the electricity volt through my veins making me feel more alive. This is where I need to be. With Jayce. In his arms. He makes me feel amazing - like there is still hope in my sad excuse for a life. He pulls away slowly and looks my in the eyes - his piercing green eyes are full of an emotion that I'm not exactly familiar with.

"Can I take you on a date?" He asks with a grin.

"Yes!" I smile back planting another peck on his plump lips.

Hey, I know that this book is moving quickly, I'm just running out of ideas but this book will be completed! Again if you have any ideas please comment and vote thanks x

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