Sick day

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Knock knock knock
"Yo bitch, open the door!" Legacy yells.
Knock knock knock
"You're gonna be late, B!" Piper explains.
Knock knock knock
"Blake you missed breakfast!" Aspen and Ace exclaim in unison.
Knock knock knock
"Blakelynn are you okay?" Jax asks concerned.
Knock knock knock
"Spitfire please open the door, we are worried!" Jayce pleads.

You may be wondering why I'm not up, or why I missed breakfast, or why I'm not answering the door. Well remember the sushi that I just had to eat- they were right. I got sick and I feel like absolute shit!

You may still be wondering why I'm not answering the squad, well at this moment in time I cannot answer because I'm currently in the bathroom puking my guts up. I also have terrible period cramps and a fever.

"Okay I'm sick of this! Blakelynn Rosa Blaze, if you don't open this door right now, I will pick the lock and then come inside and beat your ass!" Legacy screams from the other side of the door. I try to get up and open the door but as soon as I'm out the bathroom I have to run back inside to puke again.

All of a sudden I hear the door fling open, crashing agains the wall so I lock the bathroom door and quickly yell,

"D-don't come in. P-please it's n-not a pretty s-sight!" I stammer before puking again.

I hear a few mumbles from outside the door until J speaks up,

"Baby are you okay, what happened are you sick?" I think that they must have forgotten about the van sushi from last night but before I can reply I hear the bathroom door being picked open and then see the squad looking at me with concern in their eyes.

"OMG! Blake what happened you look like shit!" Was the first thing that came out of Pipers mouth when she saw me, rude.

"Gee thanks Pipes!" I say while taking some Advil for my cramps.

"Ohhh I remember now!" Shit here we go, "She ate that truck sushi that we told her not to eat and now by the looks of things, she has food poisoning" Legacy explains before throwing me a 'told-you-so' face. I roll my eyes and then feel J place a hand on my forehead.

"She's burning up." He explains to the group and then I start to feel nauseous again.

"Quick get out!" They all look confused,
"You're not gonna wanna see this, trust me!" They still don't move in confusion but before I could say anything else I rush towards the toilet and vomit again.

"Gross little warning next time Blake!" Ace complains but that's shortly followed by a punch from, who I'm assuming was, Aspen. I suddenly feel someone rubbing small circles on my back while holding my hair back for me.

"It's okay spitfire, everything will be alright okay, shh" Jayce comforts me.

Once I'm done, I feel J pick me up slowly, as to not make me any more nauseous and carries me over to my bed. He lies me down and then passes me the medicine that Jax had fetched from the nurse.

"Okay Baby, try to get some sleep and text us if you need anything, we will come check on you in a little while." He explains while planting a kiss on my cheek. And rubbing curl or on my back to calm me. Eventually I feel drowsy and fall asleep.

Jayce's POV - from breakfast
The squad are currently eating breakfast on our usually table. Ace and Aspen are arguing and stealing each other's muffins while Piper is trying to stop their childish fight. Legacy and Jax are currently flirting - Blake always tells me that she ships them, whatever that means. Speaking of Blake, I can't help but notice that her presence is missing.

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