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Jayce's POV
Right now the squad, Luca and I are all following Blakelynn and her father towards the basement door, haven't they had enough of torturing people today? I can feel Piper shaking next to me, and I have noticed the silence between the twins that has never been present. Jax looks calm but his eyes show fear, Legacy and Luca seem calm but I can tell by their uneasiness that they know something about what's about to happen. Spit- I mean Blakelynn seems to be ecstatic, a grin plastered on her face as she skips down the halls - I hate to see her like this.

"So, we have brought you all down to the basement again today as I want to see what skills you have, I also want to see how you deal with torturing." Gio states.

"Tío, are you saying what I think you are?" Luca speaks up, quietly gulping.

"Sí Luca, we have a few men that have failed to bring forward a payment, that has been in debt to me for months, therefore I would like you all one by one to enter the room and do whatever you can to torture them." Gio confirms and my eyes fall on Blake.

She stands listening to her fathers words, a grin still on her face however the more I stare at her I notice something off. Her eyes look dark, not like the deep pools that used to mesmerise me. Her dimples aren't showing, making me feel as though her smile isn't as genuine as she let on. I even see her grin faulter for a second as if she is fighting the urge to frown. How peculiar.

"Rosa, would you like to choose someone to go with you into the room first?" Her father asks her, she nods and her gaze falls on me,

"Jayce, come along let's have some fun." And with that her wicked smile reappears and a crazy look forms in her eyes.

I follow her through the door to see five men chained to the wall and a table full of weapons to the side. She must have noticed me staring at the weapons because she asks me to take my pick. I hesitantly pick a large knife up and I feel my hand start to shake as I reach the man, I've always hated this.

"Go on, take a slice." Blake says trying to hurry me up.

"Hey Blake, can I ask you something first?" And she turns towards me.

Rosa's POV
I turn to face Jayce and want to tell him 'no' and that he should just slice the mans throat but can feel Blakelynn fighting me.

Stop fighting me Blake!

'No I want to know, it's bad enough you caused me to break up with him, at least hear him out'

But Blake don't you wanna see him kill someone, what a turn on.

'Youre strange, and no it's you who's into that shit Rosa not me!'

Fine buzzkill.

I nod my head and he continues,

"Did you ever love me or was it just some facade to keep your emotions in check?" He looks hurt, defeated as he's saying this and I can't help but feel my heart sink into my chest.

'Rosa let me out I need to talk to him!'

Fine whatever.

Blakelynn's POV
As soon as I'm back in control I can't help but run up to Jayce and wrap my arms around him. This has gone too far, he needs to know, maybe he'll help me?

"Hey, no no it was real! I was in love with you, I am still in love with you J. I need to tell you something, to explain myself." I start and he looks at me, a curious look in his eyes before I continue, "I have Dissociative Identity Disorder, it's basically like having an alter ego, I guess another person in my head but when she takes over I'm basically a different person. I never wanted to break up with you J, I never wanted to make you kill someone and I surely to God never wanted you to have to meet Rosa, well not in that way."

"So the psycho isn't you, well it is you but it's a different you?" He asks, he looks confused.

"Yeah, Rosa is a psychopath, she hates people and loves murder, she also despised kids that's why she told you she didn't care about the baby. I care, I really do care about the baby and you!" He stares at me in silence.

"I'm really sorry Jayce, about everything please forgive me?" I say but the end comes out more like a question.

He sighs before wrapping his arms around my waist and kissing my forehead, replying, "Of course I forgive you Spitfire, I love you."

"I love you more"

-Sorry about the short chapter I've been busy at school but I will try and post as soon as possible and hopefully it will be longer next time! Thanks for reading though and sorry x

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