Secrets and love

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Blakelynn's POV
My eyes flicker open and I groan in pain at my cramps, as my eyes adjust to the bright sunlight coming in through my curtains, I roll over to see a glass of water and some different medicines on my bedside table. I quickly take the Advil and sip some water before getting slightly nauseous so I rush to the bathroom and puke - This day is fabulous ikr (note sarcasm).

After around 30mins of scrolling through tiktok, I decide that I feel gross so I make my way to the bathroom and jump in the shower, I use my strawberry scented shampoo and conditioner followed by my dragonfruit shower gel. When I get out, I tiredly walk over to the closet and get out my pink bear onesie, I only use it on sick days because it is comfy.

I brush my teeth again for like the millionth time today- Okay maybe not that many but you get the point - and run a quick brush through my hair before getting back into maybe feeling sorry for myself

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I brush my teeth again for like the millionth time today- Okay maybe not that many but you get the point - and run a quick brush through my hair before getting back into maybe feeling sorry for myself.

As I'm about to close my eyes again to sleep, I hear a gentle knock on my door before it opens reavealing the whole squad.

"Oh good you're awake I really didn't want a repeat of the last time you were sick and I had to wake you!" Legacy states with a relieved look on her face. The others all look between us both, sharing a look of confusion.

"Why what happened last time?" Piper asks finally breaking the silence.

"Well, she was on her period and just had to eat the heated up chicken curry, even though I told her not to, and she got food poisoning. I had to wake her up to give her the medicine because her parents were out on some fancy cruise or whatever. Anyways long story short, this bitch punched me in the face when I woke her and then proceeded to throw up on me." Everyone looked a little alarmed, apart from Ace, who looked like he was about to explode laughing.

I roll my eyes and then roll over, clutching my stomach which was still cramping. I suddenly feel a pair of strong arms wrap around me followed by the familiar tracing of circles on my back.

"It's okay baby, have you taken any medicine yet?" Jayce asks.

"I took the Advil but I didn't know what the other stuff was so I didn't take any of that." I explain and he nods then goes on to pas me some of the medics to take.

"Hey B, how you feeling now, you don't look as bad as you did this morning." Aspen chimes in with a comforting smile on her face.

"I feel better than I did. I only threw up once since I woke up and my fever has gone down." I shrug as I sip my water.

"Well it's lunch now, are you hungry or do you wanna stay here?" Jax asks, probably hoping I won't steal his muffin again.

"Erm I guess I'll come, I'm kinda hungry I suppose" I reply with a small smile as I walk towards the door.

"Wait," Piper exclaims causing me to turn and face her, "You're in a onesie!" She laughs, I don't see what's so funny but okay.

"I know." I say bluntly and then jump onto Jayce's back as he walks towards the cafeteria.

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