Is it Japan?

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I wake up quickly as I feel something - oh for fuck sake! I quickly rush to the bathroom and surely enough Mother Nature decides to visit ugh. Great not only did I only get 4 hours of sleep, I also feel like I'm being stabbed in the stomach and will probably end up snapping at all my friends because of hormones. Sometimes I seriously hate being a girl.

I decide that I may as well get ready now as I'm already up so I brush my teeth and shower, then head over to my closet. Deciding I just want to be comfortable today, I throw on Adidas sweatpants, jacket and cropped top with some white sneakers. My hair always gets oily on my period so I just chuck it up into a messy ponytail and don't even bother with makeup because I can't be arsed with my life today.

 My hair always gets oily on my period so I just chuck it up into a messy ponytail and don't even bother with makeup because I can't be arsed with my life today

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I grab my phone and take some Advil, before making my way over to the cafeteria because I'm seriously craving one of those muffins. I sit down and notice everyone looking at me weirdly which is really pissing me off.

"What are you looking at?!" I snap and they all go wide eyed, apart from Legacy who is used to me.

"Jeez who pissed in your cereal?" I hear Ace whisper which is then followed by a quick punch in the arm by Aspen.

"Is it Japan?" Legacy asks me, that's what she calls it when she doesn't want me to flip out at her, I mean I don't blame her because when I'm on my period I'm like the devil reincarnate. I nod slowly giving her a sad smile while everyone just looks at us confused. Legacy whispers something which I'm assuming is telling them I'm on that time of the month and they all nod hesitantly looking at me.

"You can talk I'm not gonna bite" I say, sounding a tad more aggressive then I wanted to and then I glance around the table noticing that Jayce isn't here.

"Anybody seen J?" I ask and they all shake their head. I go to find him but get distracted by the smell of muffins and head over their instead- don't judge me they're amazing!

Jayce's POV
I woke up late today because of Blake and my date last night so rush to get ready and make my way out the door, heading towards the cafeteria. As I enter I turn and notice Blakelynn buying around five muffins and trying to sneak a sixth, I just shake my head and buckle to myself - that's my girl!

I reach the table and sit down in my usual seat, looking around I notice that the atmosphere of the squad is tense.

"What's up with all you?" I joke but notice them, especially Ace, looking as if they saw a ghost.

"Erm, lets just say that it's B's time of the month and she isn't exactly her sweet self" Legacy explains with an awkward laugh as the others just nod in agreement.

"She can't be that bad can she? I mean I just saw her getting about 6 muffins and she seemed happy enough." I exclaim. Before anybody can reply, they're interrupted by a tray being slammed into the table which is full of muffins. I look up to see Blake stood next to Jax (who is sat next to me) giving him a death glare.

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