𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐅𝐢𝐯𝐞: 𝐑𝐞𝐮𝐧𝐢𝐨𝐧

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Jungkook's pov:

"Did you really think it'd be that easy?" The angel said with a teasing voice. I opened my eyes to see the angel had stopped me. As his index finger pressed against my lips. Blocking me from his soft lips.

What is wrong with me..

I looked at him with shock. My cheeks blushed as I realized what I was tempted to do.

Why did I want to kiss him so badly?

He lightly pushes me off of him, making me stand awkwardly in front of him.

"I should go" he says with a smile.

Words couldn't leave my mouth.

"Next time. Try something else." The angel smirks. Then began to walks off until he was out of sight.

He left me standing there, unsure of my emotions.

My hands lifted up to my face. Covering my mouth as I blushed furiously. As I began to process everything that had just happened.

What is this Angel doing to me?

Jimin's pov:

I arrived back home. Flying with my backpack filled with the things I was bringing back.

As I entered the castle, I walked to the big hang out room the others and I would play in. We'd read books, play board games, or play card games.
Hoseok would also bring his bow and arrow and his circle wooden target. And Hoseok would teach us archery.

Opening the doors, I caught everyone in the room's attention. Taehyung and Jin were playing Chess and Namjoon was reading a book on his chair.

"Jimin!!" Taehyung yelled as he ran to me but tripped on his untied shoelaces. Getting up from the floor and dusting himself off, he continued to run to me as if that whole thing did not just happened.

I laughed at my best friend as he continued to run to me. "Jiminiee!!" Taehyung opened his arms and hugged me tightly.

"Taehyungiee" I smiled back. "Jeez. You guys are real soulmates" Jin says as he sees us getting all happy and excited.

Namjoon just laughed at our small reunion.

"I brought Ice Cream, guys!!!" Hoseok came bursting into the room with Yoongi.

"Hoseok! Yoongi!" Taehyung yelled as he gave the older a hug as well as Yoongi.

"Haha. Taehyungie, you're really huggy today" I chuckled.

"I just missed everyone" Taehyung said.


Seonmul: Hurry up with the story. Get to the good stuff

Jimin: *smacks Seonmul* No!

Seonmul: Aww come on! I know you wanna talk about it-

Jimin: *smacks Seonmul again* No. I am not going to tell you.

Seonmul: But- You just said that I'm old enough to know the story. If Appa fucking you is part of the story, then add it- *Jimin smacks Seonmul once again* Ouch

Jimin: *blushing* I am not telling you that!

Jungkook: *pushes Jimin away so he can sit close to his son* Ok so it was like-

Jimin: *grabs banana milk and shoves the straw in Jungkook's mouth*

Jimin: You will not say a single word about it *glares at Jungkook*

Seonmul: So you did have sex

Jungkook: *chokes on the drink and laughs*

Jimin: *red as a tomato and smacks both of his boys. Seonmul for being inappropriate and Jungkook for laughing* Oh, will shut your mouth!?

Seonmul: *sips on banana milk*

Jungkook: *laughs* Kid. Why are you even asking if we did it or not? There's only one way to answer your question.

Jungkook: How the heck were you born? *smirks*

Seonmul: *Chokes on his banana milk while laughing*

Jimin: *sighs* Like father, Like son. Both are fucking brats.

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐀𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐥 𝐀𝐧𝐝 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐃𝐞𝐯𝐢𝐥 {𝐉𝐢𝐤𝐨𝐨𝐤}(𝐂𝐨𝐦𝐩𝐥𝐞𝐭𝐞)Where stories live. Discover now