The School Girl.

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So there I was sitting outside a school, I was speechless, I Didn't know what to think 'I'm going to jail for a long time' I thought to myself.
I couldn't killer her now even if I had wanted to, she was a child. I was so angry, I got out of my car and went into the school. I didn't even know what I was going to say to her.

I walked up to reception and there was a women on the desk,
"can I help you sir?" she asked politely. 
"yes ma'am, my daughter came in this morning but shes got a dentist appointment in 10 minutes" I said.
"oh no! what's her name and class please" she asked me.
"Sofia Rose and I'm not sure about her class, sorry. You know what teenage daughters are like, they don't tell the dads anything"I replied with an awkward laugh thinking to myself 'fuck shes seen right through me, she thinks I'm a child molester, I am a child molester'
A voice distracted me from my thoughts. "Shes on her way sir.." the receptionist said.

I could see her coming through the doors, she looked petrified.
"your dad's here to take you to a dentist appointment honey" the receptionist informed Sofia. Sofia just looked at me and nodded.
I walked swiftly towards the doors and sofia followed, I wanted to scream in her face how could she do this to me!!

Sofia's face went white as we got into the car.
"what are you doing here?" she asked me.
"TALKING TO A FUCKING CHILD." I scolded her angrily, and then whispered "not fucking you in my house, which I'm guilty of doing."

The atmosphere was tense, she just looked at me
"Do you relise what you've done Sofia. I could go to jail and loose my job because of you, a silly child!" I couldn't even look at her at this point.
"I'm not a child" she replied to me. "I'm almost 16."
"You're a fucking child sofia." I said to her coldly as I looked over at the school.

I looked back over to Sofia. The little shit just smiled at me 'why isn't she scared of me.' I thought to myself.
"I'll see you later babe" she said to me  as she got out of my car and headed back to school. I was livid.

'See me again' I thought to myself  'will she hell, I need to get rid of her once and for all'
I sped away in my car and headed home.

I decided I needed to go down into my doll house, once I was in there I gathered everything I owned of Sofia's. I grabbed a pair of her used undies and smelt them one last time, thinking to myself 'you're  disgusting Jaxon shes a child.'

I ran upstairs and grabbed my lighter and started burning Sofia things in the kitchen. I wanted her gone for good, I needed to try and get that hotel footage removed, if she ever tried to grass me up she had proof.

I started drinking whisky again, but today it started bring back memories of my mother.. what she use to do to me, that just made me even more angry.
I saw red. I smashed up my kitchen, after today I couldn't be bothered with life.
'I'm going to jail for being a child molester,  not for my hard work of killing these women.' Was all I could think. 'what have I done'
By this point I have almost emptied the bottle and soon passed out on my bed. when I woke I checked the time it was 8pm, still angry I rang a taxi and headed to the strip club.

As I arrived I had a text off sofia

Sofia; Hey, can i see you.. xx

Jaxon; your Dead to me.

Sofia; I'm sorry I lied about my age I need to see you, I can't loose you Jaxon.. xx

Jaxon; Never speak to me again.

She  called a few times after that. I declined her calls, she was still all that I could think about though. I didn't know why I felt  this way towards her.

The taxi arrived at the strip club, I headed straight to the bar and asked for a glass of water, the barman laughed and handed me a whiskey instead.
I drank it anyway. I went over to the women in charge and asked if I could have 3 women at the same time, I showed her a few thousand in 20 dollar bills. "come with me" she replied.

So there I was, in a room with three strippers.
blonde number 1, she was a bigish girl, not naturally blonde, a few tattoos.
blonde number  2, she was skinny, pierced, a slut.
blonde number 3, damn she was beautiful, she had a tiny waist, maybe a virgin.

"What can we do for you sir" all 3 blondes  asked in unison.
"I wanna strangle all 3 of you and make you my dolls" my drunk ass replied while standing in front of the door, they all giggled. Number 2 replied with "never had that before lets give it a go"
I poured them all a glass of wine, I had already put plant food in it. I smiled and we all toasted to the future.

blonde number 1 was easy, her fat ass wasn't going  anywhere.
She was my first victim, I just thought 'you dumb bitch' as I kicked her in the face,  taking out my built up anger towards Sofia on her.
I knew I couldn't hurt Sofia, so this was the next best option.
blonde number 2, far easier than the first one. I just got my hands around her throat watching her become lifeless, at this point the room was spinning, I was sweating so much, I just needed to get this finished.
blonde number 3, I quickly grabbed her around the throat, choking her. But then I felt my phone ping in my pocket.
'Oh my gosh, that must be sofia, I thought to myself, loosing go of her.
I ran towards the door quickly and headed out back, while putting my phone back in my pocket the necklace of Sofia's must have fallen out.

The text said ;

Sofia; I'm at you house we need to talk. xx 11pm

I called a taxi and headed back home where Sofia was stood on my door step.  I walked towards her, I couldn't even look at her.
I opened my door, and tried to close it behind myself, but she put her foot in the way so I couldn't close it.

"go away Sofia" I asked her nicely.
"I'm sorry I didn't mean for things to even get this far it was just for fun." She said as she walked inside.
"You are a child please get off my property" my reply was cold.
"Can I come in so we can talk please? otherwise I will just shout you slept with a child so all your lovely neighbours  can hear."
Wow.. she was testing me. I didn't like that one bit.
"Get  in here now!" I said gritting my teeth as I grabbed her and pulled her inside.

She looked at me "why are you all sweaty?" She asked curiously.
"none of your god damn business what are you doing here?" I was getting annoyed.
"been shagging women have you?" She said teasingly.
I had really had enough. "No Sofia I've killed 3 women if you must know." I couldn't stop myself. The words were out before I could think.
She went pale. "what, what do you mean?"
"never mind" I mumbled.
"tell me what you mean.." she pressed the subject.
My drunk ass answered. "I went to the strip club, order three strippers and strangled all 3 of them, just for fun."
Sofia looked terrified. "stop Jaxon you're  scaring me.."
"scaring you, you're the reason them 3 women are dead Sofia, you're to blame."

A few seconds passed.
"I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you, I hate seeing you like this." She was apologising to me? I just told her I had killed 3 women in cold blood and SHE was saying sorry to ME.

"Just leave, now before I kill you." I said coldly.
Sofia turned and left, visibly scared of me. 'Would she be okay?' I thought to myself 'how will she get home'

I turned on the news, the headline was; 'two women murdered in cold blood and one in intensive care, is this the work of the strip club murderer? Can the item left at the scene answer this case'

I fell to the sofa and screamed frustratedly, throwing a whiskey bottle across the room, it smashed off the wall.
How had I managed to leave one alive.. I was royally fucked.

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