Today I got a call off Ryder, she asked if I could come to the office she needed some advice. 'I knew this day would come' I thought to myself, detective know-it-all needed me.
I grabbed my key's and headed to the office, as I walked into the room there were at least 5 investigators, I thought 'can she really not cover a case by herself' I just smirked to myself..
Ryder introduced me "This is Detective Ezra Angelo, he is a former investigator of this case."
I took a seat "morning" I nodded.Dr Kirt spoke
"We've brought you here today because a pathoglist for the police department was brought to the morgue yesterday, you might all know her but we need to keep this professional, from what we can make out it was suicide.He handed out pictures of the women's body, oh my god, it was Bekah I wonder if Jaxon knows.
Ryder broke my thought process
"I've spoken to the victim's family, she was a happy outgoing mother to Freya" she handed out a photo of Bekah's daughter "the daughter last saw her last night during a family dinner with Freya's friend Sofia. We need bring in Sofia for questioning..."
She looked at me. "Yes of course, I'll get that sorted for you." I said.After I had called Sofia and arranged to meet, which she made very difficult. Ryder got a call about a break through in a case and asked me to hold the interview myself.
So there I was sat opposite a young girl that looked traumatized trying to intimidate her into giving me some sort of clue. sometime I hated my job."aren't you Jaxon'sbrother?" She asked. I was confused how did she know Jaxon. I just replied "let's keep this professional Miss Rose" as I pressed record on the tape.
"I'm sat here with Sofia Louise Rose,16 years of age in connection with the Reed suicide case, interview commencing at 12.40pm on saturday 25th of august.
" Can you clearly state your name for the sake of the tape"
"Sofia Louise Rose" she said quietly.
"Thank you, now could you tell me where you were between 7 and 11pm last night?"
She looked scared "I was at Freya house" she was biting her nails.
"Is that Freya Reed?"
"Yes" she replied simply.
"And could you tell me Freya mothers name" I pushed.
"Bekah.. can I go now?" She looked uncomfortable.
"I haven't finished" I said to her "was Bekah Reed at the house during this time.."
"Yeah she had dinner with us, oh! I went to the toilet, when I came back down she was gone.."
I looked at my paperwork "what time was this?"
"I don't know! my dad's had just text me saying goodnight so maybe 10pm"
I was getting frustrated "maybe 9pm or definitely 9pm"
She shrugged her shoulders.
I sighed "for the sake of the tape witness is shrugging her shoulders"
"are you charging me or can I go now??" She asked sounding bored.
Why would I be charging her? "you're free to leave anytime you want.." I said.And with that she got up and walked out of the room.
"for the sake of the tape, witness Sofia Louise Rose has left the room, interview suspended at 1:15pm" I said as I pressed stop.'Are you charging me' I thought, 'what an odd thing to say'. Why would I be charging her for her friends mothers dead.
I took the tape and notes and headed to Ryders office, I knocked the door but there was no answer.
I took the interveiw notes and placed them on her desk, then I looked up, what I saw shocked me.It was Jaxon, his face was in the middle of a whiteboard, there were pieces of string coming from his face, connected to photos of dead women, the strip club victims, what was his about?
There was information on Jaxon's movements, was she having my brother watched? I was confused.Then I saw it, a photo of Sofia Rose in the corner, Jaxon was in the photo with her, they were on a boat, 'WHAT IS GOING ON?!' I thought.
underneath Ryder have writen 'possible girlfriend/victim Sofia Rose.'Why on earth would she even think to link Jaxon to these deaths? It didn't make sense!
I had knocked on Jaxon's door last night, about 10pm, he hadn't answered so I let myself in and he wasnt home, I left, Sofia was at Bekahs house, Bekah disappeared and Jaxon wasn't home? I text him.Ezra; hey bro, didn't happen to see Bekah last night did you?
Jaxon; no mate, I watched a movie at home then was in bed by 11ish. not at work today I wasn't feeling well why?
Ezra; ah no worries bro, feel better soon.
He lied to me! I was in his house at 10pm last night and he wasn't watching a movie, his car was there but he wasn't. I needed to figure this out, Sofia was long gone, I would have to talk to her later, I needed to talk to jaxon first.
I took the notes and put them back in my office, I didn't want Ryder to know I had been in hers, I needed to figure things out first. I text her
Ezra; Interview notes are on my desk.
Ryder; thank you detective.
I went to the morgue, Jaxon wasn't there, Bekah was, but she was laid out on a tray, a strange man loomed over her.
"Good morning, I'm detective Angelo. and you are?" I asked.
He looked at me, "hi I'm Josh, I'm a temp."
"It's nice to meet you do you mind?"I asked signalling to the body.
Josh stepped aside, "of course not, go right ahead detective"I looked at the body, 'oh bekah' I thought, 'you didn't deserve this.' then I saw it, the thing that changed my life forever. Jaxon's pen was in her hand. the pen he took from our mother when he was young, I knew it was his, he had chewed the life out of the top of that pen. 'oh Jaxon, what have you done...'
I grabbed the cap off the pen and stuck it in my pocket, the DNA on that pen cap would link straight back to Jaxon and I needed to talk to him first.
"thank you Josh, please email the report notes to me." I said.
"Of course detective."
I swiftly left, I was going to Jaxons house, I needed to talk to him.So I headed to get some lunch from subway, I grabbed it to go and headed back to my car.
I thought 'Jaxon's house is like 5 minutes away' so I headed that way to see if he was home.
As I pulled up his car wasn't there, so I let myself in and started having a wonder around.
A flash back came back to me I remembered how Jaxon had showed me a basement at one point when we were younger.I headed into the dinning room where a table stood in the middle, I pushed it out the way to the other side of the room, I lifted the rug up and pulled open the wooden trap door, took a deep breath and headed into the basement...

First Love, The Sinner & The Saint
Mystery / ThrillerHave you ever felt like life wasn't enough, like you were going through the motions day in, day out, all you wanted was a change. Well one day I woke up and made that change, I was no longer the well behaved boy that did as he was told, I was a new...