I woke up this morning to my dads arguing over my college funds, knowing full well they couldn't afford the prices to get me into college, I hated when they argued.
I crept downstairs and they acted like everything was okay and told me to have a good day at school. I hugged them both and kissed my little sister Ruby.
"There has to be a way I can get money for college before my dads break up." I said to myself as I walked to school.Today was English most of the day, we were learning about the strip club killer, I didn't really take an interest in the lesson, all I could think about was my dads, I hoped they weren't going to break up over me.
After school I walked home, I bumped into one of my old besties Freya,
"Hey babes it's been so long" Freya said with a smile, hugging me.
"Hey, I know babe. how's college going?" I asked. Clearly distracted.
"It's good. You okay babe" asked Freya.
"Yeah I'm fine" I replied knowing full well I wasn't.
"Okay babe" came her reply, she sounded unsure "I've got to go catch up soon yeah!" She said and she walked away in the distance.
I returned home to a quite atmosphere, my dads had ordered take out, they never ordered take out, something was very wrong.
I made my excuses that I wasn't hungry and headed up stairs.Once In my room I opened my laptop and went on google, started searching college prices, there was no way they could afford this with their jobs. I started tearing up knowing I was probably not going to graduate and then I would end up with two homes.
'My life is tearing this family apart!' I thought to myself.
I closed my laptop and fell asleep.I had the worse sleep ever, I heard my dads arguing most of the night and one slept on the sofa. It pained me to see my family falling apart. I knew I had to find something or somewhere to work.
I opened my laptop and searched for job for 15 year olds, nothing special came up, just paper rounds and stuff, they wouldn't pay enough. I sighed and got myself ready for school.
I headed downstairs, my dads acted like nothing had happened again,
"morning sweetheart I've made you pancakes.." dad said to me.
"I'm not hungry" I replied as I grabbed an apple, smiled at Ruby and headed towards the door, Slamming it behind me.
I walked towards school when my phone buzzed I had a text.Freya: hey babe, how are you? Xx
Sofia: hey, I'm okay you?xx
Freya: I'm in your area later wanna catch up before I go to work?xx
Sofia : sure xx
School dragged today, a lad called Peter kept looking at me picking his nose, I felt physically sick. Boys are disgusting I thought to myself.
It was almost home time, I got another text from Freya.Freya: I'm outside school, xx
Sofia: 2 mins xx
I was confused why she was here, I haven't seen her since she left school last year until yeatserday. We were best friends, inseparable if you must, but in recent months we had drifted apart.
We walked to starbucks and got ourselves a coffee and a cream cake, she started making small talk, about what I've been up to and if I've met anyone yet.
'I'm 15' I thought to my self I haven't even had my first kiss yet. I didn't want to tell her I might not be graduating because of the costs of school.
We were talking for hours we didn't even realise the time it was 6pm when she said "I've got to go babes I've got work we will do this again soon."
I wanted to ask where she worked so bad, so I did "where you working"
She replied with "its top secret" and winked at me.
At this point I was confused, loads was going through my head 'she could possibly be a drug dealer' I thought. I wanted nothing to do with that. I thought she looked to dressed up to be a drug dealer . I laughed slightly to myself.
Her voice brought me back to reality
"If you must know she replied I'm a stripper, at a club, they pay so much money for me to shake my ass and give them a lap dance" she said this with a sense of proudness.

First Love, The Sinner & The Saint
Mystery / ThrillerHave you ever felt like life wasn't enough, like you were going through the motions day in, day out, all you wanted was a change. Well one day I woke up and made that change, I was no longer the well behaved boy that did as he was told, I was a new...