I woke up that morning feeling like shit, I had so many emotions running through my mind. I didn't know what today would bring but I was kind of ready for it, I had to be, I couldn't really just hide away, as much as I wanted to.
I got out of bed and showered, had a coffee, I even went for a smoke, which I hadn't done since I was 14. it made me few better if I'm honest.
I got to work, I really didnt wanna be there. I knew Bekah's body would have been taken care of by now, someone else would have done the report. At least I wouldn't have to see her or deal with her, I don't think I had the strength to.
I went to my office and opened up my case notes, I was ready to get this day at work done.After a long day at work I found myself sitting outside Twinkle Lights. Just because Ezra had said I wasn't aloud to kill anyone didn't mean I couldn't enjoying watching them and thinking about how I wanted to kill them.. as long as I didn't touch them.
I glanced over, waiting for one of my new little Doll's to come out when I saw Sofia. Yes my Sofia 'is she fucking serious' I thought to myself. hadn't she learnt anything after everything she heard me say to Ezra, she had become a little slut. I didn't like the way she was now.
I couldn't help but book a session with her.I sat in her room waiting. She walked in "hello sir, how may I help you today" she said. When she turned m around and saw it was me.. Her face was a fucking picture, honestly.
She was wearing the cutest little panties her ass looked fine!
Just before I had chance to say anything she turned around and said to me "Jaxon, what are you doing here?"
Really? "what are YOU doing here Sofia?" I was so angry with her..
She looked calm "have you been watching me again?"
"No, I actually came here for a lap dance but then I spotted you.."
She rolled her eyes. "right, I've got work to do now, can you leave before I..."Before she even had time to finished her little conversation I grabbed her and threw her over my sholder's and headed out the back with her.. she wasn't doing this job, not again.
"Jaxon put my down right now!" She demanded.
I wasn't having any of it. "Sofia I know we are not together anymore but I love you so much, I can't let you do this. If you need money I'll give you money, please don't go down this route you're better than that."She was pissed. Standing in front of me. "when are you going to realise you don't own me Jaxon!" she stormed off in a mood back through the back entrance. I was going to follow her, but I didn't want to make a scene or draw attention to myself at a murder site.
I couldn't believe after everything we had been through together she was being like this, selling herself.
I could have offered her the world but it would never have been good enough for her at this point.
I knew I needed to move on, she had just crushed my heart and I didn't know how much more I could possibly take.I found myself in a bar. I tried to contact Ezra to see if he had got rid of the evidence but he didn't reply.
I knew he was so pissed at me. I didn't blame him, I knew the risk he was talking for me and that he could loose his job. A women was eying me up and came over and asked if I wanted a drink? Fuck it I thought."Of course, I'll have a whiskey and ice please"
She nodded "that's two whiskey's and ice please" she said to the bar man. "I'm Ria nice to meet you"
She seemed nice, a pretty blonde, just my type. "I'm Jaxon , it's nice to meet you too beautiful."Our drinks were ready, we went to look for a table.
"So what bring's you to town?" She asked me once we had sat down.
"I live and work here, I'm a pathologist, down town. you?" I replied.
"Oh sound's sexy" Ria said "I'm a Doctor at St Liberty Hospital."
Oof, I could just see her in a doctors uniform now, thanks Ria.
"oh a doctor, so if i'm sick, I just call you then" I winked at her.
She leaned in close and whispered in my ear "I'll be your doctor anytime handsome" biting her lip.At this point I had actually forgotten all about Sofia, I was really enjoying myself getting to know someone I knew nothing about.
Ria finished her drink "right I'm off I've got work at 6am in the morning."
"I'll walk you home.." I offered.
I didn't want to stalk her or anything, I was just being polite. As I said before, you don't know what kind of weirdos are about!We walked out the club, she was a little tipsy at this point. I thought 'Are you going to be okay getting home' so I ordered her a taxi and waited for it.
I helped her get in the taxi and she gave me her phone number, "I hope to hear from you, or see you again soon Jaxon"
"oh most defiantly babe." I waved her off and waited for my taxi to arrive.
I couldn't believe I had met a new woman and not followed her home. Not thought about her under my house even, I was a new man.I still hadn't heard off Ezra, I hoped he hadn't got cold feet or got caught.
My thought process was interrupted by my taxi arrived.
I headed home, walking past the taxi was Sofia with a man's arm wrapped around her. I couldn't bare it, I turned my head and looked the other way. I had to let her go, I kept telling myself it was for the best.
we arrived at my house, "thank's mate" I said to the taxi driver as I paid him and got out.I headed up to my house and locked the front door, I went straight down into the basement and started tearing down all the photo's of the women chucking them in my burning bin, I started snapping up the mannquins and watching my victims bodies burn.
I felt good about it, this was a new chapter and the past was behind me.
That night I completely emptied my Doll house it wasn't a doll house any longer it was just a basement.I received a text off Ezra
Ezra; Some how Ryder's office caught fire in the night, they're not sure how yet, but all cases of the murder victims and solved murders are all gone, burnt to a crisp. she will never be able to prove anything now she's got no evidence. please Jaxon put this behind your and get on with your life. Don't give her any new evidence to start collecting.
Jaxon; Thank you so much bro, I owe you.
A weight was lifted off my shoulders Ezra finally did someone useful and helped me for all the time's I had helped him, he really was my hero.
I knew I could count on him, I was so excited I wanted to tell Sofia, but I didn't. I realised I finally wanted to leave all this behind and start fresh somewhere new.The following morning decided to go see my old doll's at there final resting places, call me twisted but I had to tell them I was finally done with it, and needed to start a new life without all the bad memories and distractions that kept getting in the way.
Lola was the first one I went to say goodbye to, she was buried the closest. I laid 10 white roses on her graveside, because she was my 10th victim. I sat with her for a while, I couldn't help but wonder what kind of women she would have become.
I was at victim number 11's grave next. it was Cherry, Jessica was her real name but she was Cherry to me, she was a beautiful women, a photo of her was on her headstone. I laid 11 white roses and said "goodbye darling, I miss having you as my Doll but you can finally rest in peace."
I was an emotional wreck, if I had met Sofia before all of it, if she was my age and we had met in school, all these women would still be here today. Things would be so different.

First Love, The Sinner & The Saint
Mistero / ThrillerHave you ever felt like life wasn't enough, like you were going through the motions day in, day out, all you wanted was a change. Well one day I woke up and made that change, I was no longer the well behaved boy that did as he was told, I was a new...