I got straight off that chair. I couldn't kill myself and leave Sofia to take the blame for everything I had done in my life.
She was so young; this wasn't fair. It wasn't going to happen.Thy whole night I couldn't stop thinking about what Sofia had done, why would she admit to something she didn't do? why was she covering my track's? did she still love me?
All night I had been trying to get hold of Ezra, surly he knew about this, why didn't he tell me? was this his doing? So much was going through my mind until I eventually fell asleep.
As soon as I woke up, I grabbed my laptop and began to search 'Ezra Angelo' on google.
After a while I found his new office 74 miles away, He really did what to get away from me.. that hurt.I grabbed my key's and my phone and headed to the shop to get some redbull's because today would be the day Ezra would get me in to see Sofia!!
I headed out to the car, I was wondering if her Dad's knew she was in prison? and if so Did they know everything?
I hadn't been arrested so surly she only told them parts.
I put on my seat belt and headed to the corner shop, I went inside and grabbed myself 5 redbull's and some snacks for breakfast and headed on my way to confront Ezra.After 2 hour's I pulled up outside Ezra's office, redbull in my hand I walked into the building, briefly showed the receptionist my pathologist ID making sure to cover my last name with my thumb.
I told her I needed to speak to detective Angerlo regarding a case I was working on.
She called through to Ezra on the intercom saying he's 2pm appointment was in and directed me to his office. 'Damn I'm smooth, still got it' I thought to myself.As soon as I walked into his office he looked up from his laptop, suddenly his face was like thunder he wasn't happy to see me. The feeling was mutual.
"What are you doing here Jaxon.."
"Sofia has handed herself in for my crime's Did you know about this?" I asked feeling angry.
"Of course not" he sounded shocked. "I wouldn't let a child take a fall for you, and if I had, you would of been the first to know."
"If you say so.." call me crazy but I believed him.
Ezra looked very impatient. "why are you here what do you need from me?"
Straight to the point I said "Set me up a meeting with Sofia, without recording's or police escorts, I just need 10 minute's alone with her."
Ezra went pale. "you ain't going to kill her are you?"
'The fuck??' I thought. "of course I'm Fucking not!! I just need to see her she will talk to me I know it.."Ezra nodded and reluctantly agreed to set up the meeting for 5pm today. He then told me "leave and never come back again"
I wanted to tell him I missed him but now wasn't the time.
"I owe you big time bro!" I said as I left his office, jumped back in the car and began the long journey home..Sitting outside the prison I couldn't bare to think of her being in there, 'she's 16 shes in the big girl's prison now' I thought to myself 'she wont last a week' I had to get her out if there.
Ezra had emailed me, my name was now Collin Jackson and I was Sofia's lawyer, good cover bro. I quickly ran back to my car and got my pathologist briefcase, I had to look the part. Regardless of the fact I looked like a tramp, I hadn't shaved in a while and had redbull stains on my shirt.
I was sat in a meeting room after introducing myself as Collin Jackson, the door's opened and Sofia was escorted in and cuffed to the table, the escorts then left us alone, she was not happy to see me.
She looked at me "you look like shit..when was the last time you showered and shaved?"
I couldn't remember But that wasn't the point. "Don't speak to me like that, I had just written my suicide note to you when I found out what you had done, you silly girl!!"
Sofia obviously still cared because she said "Well I'm glad I did it then".
At this point I didn't know whether to kiss her or hit her.
"What were you thinking Sofia, did you even have a plan?"
"My plan was to spend the rest of my life here obviously." She said.
I snapped back "attitude doesn't suit you and what make's you think I would allow that."
She was being difficult. "what make's you think you have a choice? you don't owe me you've clearly moved on.."
This was about Ria? "you confessed to 5 count's of murder because I got a new girlfriend?!"
She shrugged "something like that.. get to the point. I have too fight the top dog at 6 you taught me well.."
I hated the thought of her possibly fighting anyone. "I'm getting you out of here we can fix this!"
She rolled her eyes. "There is no WE Jaxon, there is no us, just me and I'm staying right here."
She was exhausting. "I promise you Sofia you're getting out of here."
She looked away from me "your promises don't mean shit to me Jaxon, you promised me a forever and look where that got us. I want to get out of here right now." She banged herself fists on the table to try and get the guards attention.She looked at me coldly "If you ever try to hand yourself in or get me out I will find the first thing I can and slit my own throat, do you really want my death on your hand's?"
I was shocked by this and said "No matter home long you keep yourself in here, I will wait for you"
She smiled slightly and stood up "I'll hold you to that.."
As I went to answer the guard's opened the door. Sofia simply said "I want a new lawyer this one is shit." and then she left.I was shook, she was different. how dare she speak to me like that, making threat's to me! did she know who she was talking to?! at this moment she was lucky she was in prison because I wanted to stick her on a boat and push her in the middle of the sea teaching that little shit a lesson.
I didn't have a choice, I knew what she said she had meant, so I got up and left.Back at home I just kept looking at the letter I had written to Sofia, how could I feel all these emotions for her and she basically hated me!
I didn't want her to suffer but she obviously thought she deserved to, I was stuck. I couldn't get her out of the there because if she caught wind of me trying she would kill herself, and I couldn't live with that!
I didn't have Ezra to help me, I didn't have Sofia to comfort me, and I didn't even have Bekah to taunt me. I felt sorry for myself, this was all my own fault, I deserved to feel this way.
All I had left was Ria, and I really didn't wanna see her right now.

First Love, The Sinner & The Saint
Mystery / ThrillerHave you ever felt like life wasn't enough, like you were going through the motions day in, day out, all you wanted was a change. Well one day I woke up and made that change, I was no longer the well behaved boy that did as he was told, I was a new...