I sat in my class, it was maths, I wasn't focused at all. The teacher called my name. I looked up and he told me I was wanted at reception. 'What did I do wrong' I thought, I was confused. I got out of my seat and made my way to reception.
The receptionist came over to me and said "Your dad is here to take you to a dentist appointment honey"
I was even more confused, I had been to the dentist just last week, I wasn't due to go again. But just then I looked across and saw Jaxon standing there, it made sense now. so I nodded, and left with him.After we got into the car I looked at Jaxon "What are you doing here?" I questioned him.
His responce was cold "TALKING TO A FUCKING CHILD" He was clearly angry at me, he whispered "Not fucking you in my house which I'm guilty of doing"
'It wasnt just his house it was the hotel room I thought to myself smiling, and he didnt think to ask me my age so this was on him really.
The atmosphere was very tense, I just looked at him.
He questioned me "Do you realise what you're done Sofia, I could go to jail and lose my job because of you, a silly child" He wasnt even looking at me, he didn't seem to be complaining about me last night though. "I'm not a child" I snapped back "Im almost 16"
"You're a fucking child Sofia" Came his cold reply as he stared out of the window at my school.
I don't know why but I couldn't help but smile at him, was he trying to scare me or something, it wasnt working.
"Ill see you later babe" I said cheerfully as I got out of the car and went back to school.I finished my school day, it just flew by, Jaxon was on my mind the whole time, Freya had text me asking me if I was working tonight. I just didnt feel like going in, I wanted to see Jaxon.
I got home, my dad was sitting in the livingroom helping Ruby with her homework, my other dad was still at work, I said a quick hello and headed upsatirs to do my own homework, I had fallen so far behind with working.
I checked my phone, it was 5pm so I text jaxonHey can i see you..xx
Nothing.. he wasn't answering me, had I pissed him off that much? I got my laptop out and opened up google.
I searched Jaxon Angelo. there was nothing, no social media profiles, no news stories, it was like he was invisible. I began to wonder if that was really his name but just then I saw a photo of him with another male, about 4 years younger than him. I clicked the image, it was a link to a news story. I began to read it."Brother duo Jaxon and Ezra Angelo, bring down biggest drug dealer in the country with their hard work, Ezra, police detective aged 21 says "if it wasnt for my brothers pathology work, we would never have uncovered this."
I was shocked, he was a pathologist? Wasn't that were they cut open dead people?
Eww gross. His brother on the other hand was mighty fine, and a detective. "I think I'm fucking the wrong one here" I laughed to myself, but then I remembered I was only15, theres no way a detective would be fucking me.
My phone pinged, it was 8pm, I had been googling Jaxon for over 2 hours, 'wow I'm a stalker' I thought to myself. I'm turning into him.I read the text
Jaxon; you're dead to me.
Sofia; im sorry I lied about my age, I need to see you I cant lose you jaxon..xx
Jaxon; never speak to me again.
I tried to call him a few times but he was sending it straight to voicemail I didn't want to leave a voicemail, I wanted to see him. I waiting until my dads had gone to bed and booked a taxi to his house.
It was 11pm when I knocked his door, no answer, I text him
Sofia; I'm at your house, we need to talk xx
He didn't answer me, I wondered if he was in the house ignoring me,so I went round the back. I looked in the kitchen window and saw remainers of a white underwear set, lay burnt on the counter. It looked one I owned, actually that had gone missing. 'Has Jaxon been in my house?!' I thought to myself, what ever had happened he has completely trashed his kitchen. Was that my fault? Because I had pissed him off?
I shook it off and went back to the front door.I sat on the step and decided to wait for him, 10 minutes later a heard a taxi pull up. I stood back up and waited for him to get out, he walked towards me but didn't even give me eye contact 'damn he really is pissed at me' I thought to myself. He opened his front door and went to shut it on me, I wasn't having this, I shoved my foot in the way
"go away sofia" he asked me politely, why was he being polite I wondered.
I suddenly felt very bad "Im sorry, I didn't mean for things to even get this far, it was just for fun" I said knowing he did not want me there."you're a child please get off my property" Jaxon said coldly.
"can I come in so we can talk please otherwise I will just shout you slept with a child so all your lovely neighbours can hear." Came my smart ass reply.
I must have hit a nerve because his face was like thunder.
"Get in now." He said in a demanding tone. He grabbed my arm hard and pulled my inside slamming the door behind us.
He looked sweaty, I had to question this "why are you all sweaty?"
"none of your god damn business, what are you doing here?" He snapped back.
I was livid. "been shagging women have you"
"No sofia, I killed three women if you must know" he sounded so calm.
I felt the blood drain from my face, what was he was saying?
"what, what do you mean?"
"Never mind"
"Tell me what you mean" I was desperate to know.
His face hardened "I went to the strip club, ordered three strippers, and strangled all three of them just for fun"
For fucking fun? I felt sick "Stop Jaxon, your scaring me"
"Scaring you? You're the reason these 3 women are dead sofia youre to blame."
He had a cheek blaming me for what he did, but then I wondered, was it my fault, had I pushed him to a point of no return when he found out I was only 15?"I'm so sorry, I didnt mean to hurt you, I hate seeing you like this." I whispered.
Why was I apologing to him? He was the murderer in this argument and I'm the one saying sorry, I was very confused by my own reaction.
"Just leave now before I kill you." He said to me.
I knew he wouldn't hurt me, at least I thought he wouldn't, but I still turned and left.I started to walk home, Jaxon wasn't a murderer, not my Jaxon, I didn't believe him for one minute. He was just angry, that's what it was.
I would text him in the morning once he had cooled down, he was obviously very drunk.Once at home I turned on my bedroom tv and got into bed, the news was on, the news reader spoke 'two women murdered in cold blood and one in intensive care, is this the strip club murder? can the item left at the scene answer this case?
I suddenly felt like I couldn't breathe, Jaxon wasn't lying to me, he had killed them women, these women were dead because of me, because of my stupidity.
I should never have gone to that club, and I should never have took that job, everything was racing through my mind,
I was panicking.
I don't know why but after seeing my underwear at Jaxon's house I started checking for anything else that could have gone missing.
I looked in my jewellery box, Annabelle's necklace was gone. I had meant to give it back to her, but it was so pretty and I didnt have many nice things of my own, did Jaxon take it, was that what was left at the scene? was Annabelle going to be in trouble?I wanted to text jaxon but I couldn't, he was a killer, and I should keep as far away from him as possible. But that was the opposite of what I wanted to do.
I didn't see him as a cold blooded murderer. I saw it as a crime of passion, he loved me so much he killed because of me, this was more my fault than it was his, if I hadn't pushed him so hard this wouldn't have happened, I needed to keep away from him now, he wasn't good for me, I wasn't good for him, he needed space to go back to the good guy I had seen on google, I couldn't hold him back anymore.
I lay in my bed. Everything racing through my mind, by this point I was exhausted, I passed out soon after.

First Love, The Sinner & The Saint
Mystery / ThrillerHave you ever felt like life wasn't enough, like you were going through the motions day in, day out, all you wanted was a change. Well one day I woke up and made that change, I was no longer the well behaved boy that did as he was told, I was a new...