As Jaxon had lay asleep beside me in the boat, I couldn't stop thinking abour what I had done to that fucking woman. Why did I feel like she was some sort of competition to me?
Jaxon hadn't seemed interested in her at all, he couldn't take his eyes off me. But I still felt weird about it.
I looked at him and he was sleeping soundly, 'he looks so perfect' I thought to myself. I couldn't resist a quick kiss on his head.I wasn't tired at all, I was going to go back up on deck but then I thought Jaxon would go mad if I went up alone while he was sleeping. What if I fell in? He wouldn't even know I was up there, I would just stay in bed.
I took my phone from the side table and opened up my social media, I typed in 'Jaxon Angelo' he wasn't on there. I already knew this but I checked just in case.
I typed in 'Ezra Angelo' his brother popped up, I clicked his profile. 'Should I send him a friend request?' I thought to myself. 'No, probably not.'
I scrolled down his wall a little, looked at his photos, he had a few posts about meals with Jaxon, they did this monthly, brother time.I was curious, very curious, so I clicked his friends list, I wanted to find the woman from the restaurant. I scrolled down his friends trying to pick out her face,
A's... Nothing.
B's.... Nothing.
I wasn't about to give up. I scrolled for what seemed like ever, Ezra was a popular guy, I got to the P's, Penny.. that was her. I noticed her smug face instantly. Penny Rogers.I clicked her profile, so many selfies. This woman was in love with herself, she was definitely older than me. Prettier than me too, I felt very intimidated. I felt angry.
I know Jaxon hadn't done anything wrong, but having no exes of my own was making me paranoid. I didn't want her around.I'm ashamed to admit it, but at dinner earlier, I had got up to go to the toilet, I walked past the bar, there was a drink on the bar with her table number on, she was alone.
I grabbed the plant food sachet from my pocket, It was with the flowers Jaxon had sent me for my birthday; he should have known better. I knew all his tricks.
I opened the packet with my teeth, a tiny bit squirted into my mouth. I panicked that I was going to die, I quickly poured the sachet into her drink and ran to the bathroom to rinse my mouth.
I knew it wasn't enough to kill her, maybe just make her sick? I was just angry.I was still lay in bed, on Penny's profile, drinking Jax's whiskey.. I can't remember what I was even thinking at this point.
But I ended up on the dark web searching google for hitmen, I found a guy close to me, his name was Blane.I didn't think twice, maybe it was the alcohol. I messaged him. Sent him all of Penny's details, told him I would give him $5,000 if he killed her tonight, the page said he wanted $20,000 but I had only managed to save $5,000 for college before I lost my job.
He didn't look busy, no one had messaged him in months. He might accept my offer.He messaged straight back, wire him the money now and he would take care of it. So I did it. And then I passed out drunk.
The morning came around fast, Jaxon was amazing, in the best mood ever, we talked and joked as we had breakfast. Last night was a blur, I remembered what I had done but I hoped it was a dream.
Jaxon dropped me home, he was heading to work, I wanted to get into bed and sleep. I hadn't slept well on the boat at all.
I don't know how long I spelt for but I was woken by my phone ringing, I picked it up and looked. It was Jaxon.
I answered it.Sofia; "hey how are you?"
Jaxon; "I'm good sweetheart how are you?"
Sofia; "missing you like crazy, I can't stop thinking about last night."
Jaxon; "I've got a lot on tonight, a murder case has come in and we're not quite sure how she died.. so not sure if I will see you tonight."
Sofia; "oh no, male or female?"
Why did I ask that? I never asked questions. I suddenly began to feel nervous.
Jaxon; "do you remember that woman that said hey to me last night? "
Shit. She was dead. Blane has done it.
I was terrified now.Sofia; "yeah?"
Jaxon; "she come in today in a body bag."
Shit, fuck.. he knows!
Sofia; "oh it wasn't me."
It wasn't me? Why the fuck did I say that!! I waited for his reply.
Jaxon; "I know it wasn't you; we were together all night."
Sofia; "I've got to go, I'll speak to you later."
I ended the call, what was I mean to do now?!
I signed back into Blanes site, there was a message. 'It's done' shit. And now Jaxon was calling me again. I ignored the call, I deleted the messages, deleted my account. This had gone too far.I curled up on my bed and cried, this was all too much. I fell asleep..
I woke up about 7:50pm, I went downstairs and my dad had left a note.
'Took Ruby to her ballet class, we won't be back till late she has a show. I've left money for you to order some food
Love dad & daddy x'I felt sad, I had promised Ruby I would go to her show. I had just been so tied up with Jaxon I had neglected my little sister.
I heard a knock at the door.Opening the door I saw Jaxon. He looked at me, I couldn't read him. "Sorry it's late, I thought you would want to share a Chinese with me?"
"I've already eaten" I said, even though I hadn't.
Jaxon watched me, still giving nothing away "want to come to mine? We could chill and have a few drinks?"
He said he couldn't see me tonight, I was so worried. "Sure I'll get my coat"I headed to the car with him after scribbling a note to my dads saying I was going to see Freya.
In the car he took my hand and placed it in his leg, I so wanted to pull away, but that would make him question me. I smiled at him.
We pulled up outside his and he got out of the car and walked around to my side, he always opened my door but tonight I didn't want him to, I quickly opened it myself and got out, headed straight for his front door.

First Love, The Sinner & The Saint
Mystery / ThrillerHave you ever felt like life wasn't enough, like you were going through the motions day in, day out, all you wanted was a change. Well one day I woke up and made that change, I was no longer the well behaved boy that did as he was told, I was a new...