It had been 5 days, I hadn't seen or heard anything from Sofia. It made me uneasy not knowing what she was doing or who she was doing for that matter.
I headed out to work earlier than usual it was the only thing keeping me busy, I was trying to keep her off my mind.
A man was in today Robert Addison, male, 36 years, died suddenly. we think he was found in a hotel alone, we reckoned he had been there a good couple of day's.
'probably some skanky stripper, took his money and killed him' I thought to myself. Strippers are disgusting. But not my Sofia.
Looking into his death kept my mind off Sofia, I felt like I needed to know her every move.In the morgue Bekah broke the awkward silence.
"makes a change it being a male and not a female victim"
"Yeah, cause of death?" I asked her.
"Looks like an overdose to me" she said smugly. I couldn't deal with her sass today.
"Okay" I replied. I just didn't want to acknowledge her today.I was on my break, I had to text Sofia 'just to see how she is' I told myself. This wasn't stalker behaviour at all.
Jaxon; hey sweetheart , just texting to see if you're okay.
'This message did not send' The message pinged back on my screen.
I was confused 'has she blocked my number' I thought to myself 'she can't be serious' so I called her,
"calls to this number at barred" came an automated message. I laughed out loud and said to myself "so she wants to play it like that does she" I suddenly had the best idea!After finishing up at work I headed to the phone shop. I order the same phone Sofia had already got, in the same colour, everything was the same. I went and bought a beautiful red box with a red silk bow on it and headed home.
As I got home, I plugged Sofia's new phone into my laptop. I enabled find my phone onto my laptop so I could keep an eye on her, and only my number would be in her phone, maybe her dads if I was feeling nice. I felt very smug with myself.
I wrote a note to put in the box, the note read;hey sweetheart,
Did you loose something here's your replacement, don't even think about blocking me.
J xI poured myself a glass of whiskey before I headed out to Sofia's house to deliver her the birthday early present.
I wasn't actually sure when her birthday was, I was just hoping she was almost 16!!As I got near to her house I felt butterflies, 'I've not even seen the girl and she gives me these weird feelings' I thought to myself.
I got out of my car walked up to her door, placed the red box on the floor and rang the doorbell before I headed back to my car.
I sat in my car and waited 15 minutes, still no sign of the door opening so I assumed she was out, I left quickly and headed to a restaurant as Ezra had booked us in for our monthly meal and catch up.
I pulled up at the restaurant , still no text off Sofia.. I left my phone in the car so no distraction could get in the way of our brotherly day.
When I entered the restaurant and walked over to our table Ezra stood up and hugged me.
I hugged him back "You alright bro?" I asked.
"I'm good man" he replied "just busy with work, Ill have a lager" he said to the waitress.
I couldn't see his dirty eyes looking her up an down. You could clearly tell I had raised him.
"whisky please" I added, the waitress nodded and walked away.
"Can you believe it was a women that was committing those strip club murders.." Ezra asked, clear shock in his voice.
"Women are physically stronger than we think, especially if they're from an abusive back ground" I inputted to the conversation.
I wanted to change the subject fast because he always knew when I was lying to him.
"I'm seeing someone." I blurred out. Ezra was shocked "no! the famous Jaxon finally got himself some pussy" he sat there laughing. He had never known me to have a girlfriend.
I just smiled and played along with his sick behaviour.
Ezra contributed "Bro good on you, you need a decent girl I'm excited for you, when can I meet her?"
Girl was the right word for it, Sofia was so young.
I wanted to reply with 'when shes 16 bro' but I couldn't, I decided to test the waters. I replied with..
"shes pretty young to be fair.."
Before he could respond to my comment the waitress came over with our drinks, she asked if we were ordering food..
"I'll have a steak and chips babe please." He said cheerfully.
"An apple pie for me please." I added in.
"An apple pie? you don't like apple pie what had she done to you.." Ezra said and laughed.
What had she done to me. That was the million dollar question. We continued to chat as we ate our food.After a few hours and more than a few pints Ezra was beat. "I'm off now, got work tomorrow. see you later bro" he said as he got to his feet.
I got up and hugged him briefly saying my goodbyes.
'That apple pie was quite tasty' I thought 'not as nice as Sofia's'.
Sofia.. It had been almost 3 hours, I had to go check my phone. I headed out the restaurant and paid the bill on the way out.As I got in my car my phone 'PINGED' it was Sofia.
Sofia; I can't do this Jaxon..
I wasn't having this, I went on to find my phone and saw where she was.. She was at McDonald's 'its 2 minutes away' I thought, fuck it I'll walk..
As I walked into McDonalds I put on a cap and some sun glasses and headed to the counter, I ordered myself a cup of coffee, and as I was waiting for my order I saw Sofia!!
She was sitting there like a saint, little did know I was there watching her.
I was not sure who she was sitting with
, it was a girl around her own age, dressed up like she was heading on a hot date, way too much makeup. 'probably a dirty stripper' I thought as I sipped my coffee..I sat behind her friend, I could see Sofia perfectly, Sofia looked over and noticed me.
The friend saw Sofia was a little distracted and she turned around to look at me to..
I over heard her slut of a friend say "who's that pervert.."I laughed out loud, 'she has no idea' I thought to myself.. I looked up and walking over towards me was Sofia, I thought 'she's feeling brave...'
"Thank's for you phone but I Don't want it" she said and she slammed it down in front of me.
This amused me. "well you've been using it haven't you Sofia?" How else would I have found here.
I got up, my hand brushing again her waist as I headed back out towards the restaurant where I had left my car.My phone pinged again..
Sofia; meet me outside your house at 7. since I got fired and lost my job because of you, now I have no where to be. by the way I'm returning this phone!!
Jaxon; okay sweetheart xx
I added two kisses to the text just to piss her off that much more, I was excited to see her, knowing I would probably end up fucking her again tonight.
I headed home, once there I went upstairs and jumped in the shower, before Sofia arrived.
When I was freshly showered, I made sure I left the latch open so she could let her self in.. I went down to my Doll house waiting patiently for her to arrive.I was so nervous, this was exciting, what if Ezra turned up and saw my secret door. I texted Sofia 'Lock the door after yourself'.
I heard the front door open, and the lock clicking, I thought to myself 'good girl!' she actually listened for once..
"I'm down here" I shouted up to her, I saw her shoes starting to walk down my stairs, I never thought I'd ever see any shoes other than my own walk down those stairs.
I was feeling all kinds of things at this point.

First Love, The Sinner & The Saint
Mystery / ThrillerHave you ever felt like life wasn't enough, like you were going through the motions day in, day out, all you wanted was a change. Well one day I woke up and made that change, I was no longer the well behaved boy that did as he was told, I was a new...