A Date With Jaxon.

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I snapped back "wait your turn" angrily. As I turned around the man was gone..
I heard an atmosphere coming from down the corridor.
I turned around to see what was going on, only to see the man in grey being dragged out of my room by the security guards.
He was shouting "GET THE FUCK OFF ME'."
I ran to him and asked if he was okay, "what happened?" I was so confused.
"I beat the shit out of that guy" he replied. I asked "how did you know he was hurting me?"
To which he replied "I've seen this before, this is why silly girls like you get raped by men, looking like that, men think they own you!"
I couldn't believe what he had said to me. I wanted to smack that smirking little smug look off his face. But I didn't. Im
"I'm sorry.." I answered quietly with a tear running down my cheek. He put his hand around me comforting me, and out of nowhere I just thought 'can we have sex already.'
"I'll drive you home" he said, bringing me back to reality.
I was still really shaken up all I could get out was "I don't want to be alone tonight" he just held me. 'He's the sweetest' I thought to myself.

So we ended up going back to his place. I got into his car, he gave me his jacket, it was quite cold. I wrapped it around myself trying to cover the marks the man had made to my arms, my favorite song started to play on his radio, Ed sheeran the A team.
I was trying my hardest not to sing it, tears ran down my face, I couldn't believe what had happened today. I just kept asking myself 'why me.'

We arrived at his house. I finally knew where this man lived, as we got out the car it was awkward, very hard to make conversation with him. I just looked around his house trying to figure him out.

He made me a glass of water and we walked towards his bedroom, I thought to myself 'is this the night he makes passionate love to me.'
I guessed I was staying the night.
He laid his T-shirt on the bed 'oh' I thought 'he wants me to wear his t-shirt and nothing else.' I began to smirk.
He headed for the door, where did he think he was going, I asked if he could get my out of my clothes, he looked surprised by this question
"yeah" he replied, I could feel him touching me, undoing my zip and his breath on my neck, I was hoping he would start kissing me, but he didn't
So I turned my self around and looked him dead in the eye, he started to turn away from me. I reached out for his arm and went in for a kiss, 'gosh' I thought, he gives me fanny flutters.
He pushed away and said "you're not here for this and left the room."

To be honest I didn't know what I had wanted to happen tonight. 'Are you sure he is the man you want to loose your virginity to?' I asked myself, I put on his t-shirt and layed in his bed waiting for him to come back up. I fell asleep..

My alarm was going off, it woke me. It was aready 6am, 'shit' I thought to myself.
He was sleeping soundly in his chair, I wanted to lean in for a cheeky kiss but I knew I was already going to be late for school so I left.

On the way to school I couldn't stop thinking about his lips on mine and why he hadn't tried anything with me. 'maybe there is such thing as a gentlemen.' I thought to myself.

But I decided I couldn't bare the thought of school today, and instead I went straight home. I got myself into bed picturing that man, all I could see was him grabbing my arms.

I woke to a terrible bang downstairs. My heart was racing, I got the nearest thing I could find, it was a pair of tights.. they would be no help. I headed downstairs, the noise was coming from the kitchen I tiptoed in there, my dad turned around, "Are you serious" I asked, my heart in my mouth. "You're suppose to be at work!"
He laughed and replied "you're suppose to be at school young lady" giving me his evil eyes.
"I didn't feel well." I said calmly and huffed back upstairs.

I text Jaxon and asked him to meet me, it was weird because it kind of sounded like he already knew where I lived, but then he asked for my address and I realised I was just being crazy. He came and picked me up and we went back to his place.
I was sat on his counter drinking his whiskey, trying my hardest to flirt with him but he wasn't taking the bate! He disappeared off upstairs for a shower.
I was feeling tipsy and I got over confident so I walked up the stairs to his bedroom, as I walked through I started to take my clothes off. Throwing them on his bedroom floor as I went to the bathroom.

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