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Huffing his breath, he dug his hands into the pocket of his leather jacket he had wore with him when he visited the same place he had went yesterday. Today, he just wanted to wander in the same part of town again since he didn't really spent much time here yesterday.

What was I doing yesterday anyways...

He stared at his foot while he walked down the brick sidewalk with the sounds of engines revving beside him. His eyes casted downwards as he had nothing on his mind right now.

But a thought had appeared in his head as soon as he saw a certain shop.

Tilting his head, the wing spiker stopped his tracks as he felt deja vu creeping up his back. He felt as if he was drawn towards the store as he stared at it.


Ignoring the pull of his body, he only walked passing the front door. Until he stopped.

His hesitance taking over as he looked over the shop again in disbelief. Grunting he grumbled curses under his breath until someone suddenly bumped into him harshly making him stagger slightly and falling backwards.


His eyes widened as he was taken off guard. Gravity taking over he was about to fall onto his back.

But the sudden pull of his front shirt probihited from doing so.

Slightly shriekeng his eyes met with the sight of someone grabbing his front shirt that was underneath his jacket.

The hand that was fisting it once again pulled him to stabilise himself properly and let go of his clothing patting twice on his chest before walking pass him.

He whipped around to see the stranger who had helped him but could only see a mop of (h/c) hair that was soon blocked by the sudden forming of a crowd.

He held his hand out and wanted to shout after them until there was a sudden urge that screamed at him to not to.

He was visibly disappointed as the figure could no longer be seen by him.

He flinched.

What was I doing again?

His eyes turn blank as he turned the other way.

The universe never allowed it.

But fate had other plans.

motorcycle • tanaka ryuunosuke •Where stories live. Discover now