Switch switch bitch

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Before baby i love you and after a change of pace


"Hey Haruto! Handle those carefully and put them in the urn." A blonde nodded and went over to neatly arranged boxes.

He grabbed a clipboard that contained the names of the dead while praying for their soul. His eyes widened when he saw a name.

The same name he saw on the news a few nights before.

The same person he had run over in the middle of the night.

(Y/N) (L/N)

His hands started to shake as he started to sweat nervously. He never meant to run her over. But he panicked and he didn't want to lose his job or bring shame to his family name so he kept quiet.

"Haruto! Quit daydreaming!" His coworker shouted from the other side of the door.

"Ah!" He accidentally dropped the two boxes he was holding


Both of those boxes didn't have their names taped on. His employer said there was no need to since they were getting buried today but he was careless and couldn't tell which was which.

He hesitated for a minute until his coworker shouted his name once again he had snapped out of it.

Oh god I hope this is the right one.

He randomly grabbed one of the two boxes and placed the ashes inside into an urn.

He prays that he got the right ones in their respective orders.

"Done!" He manoeuvred the two urns and jogged out of the room.

He didn't realised he poured the wrong ashes into (Y/N)'s urn.

The ashes were buried but none of them knew that the owners had both been switched.

Tanaka visited the wrong grave throughout his teenage years.

The two urns were buried in the same site.

Her spirit could only watch Tanaka visiting someone other than herself.

Until she snapped and the loop started.

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