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Tanaka breathed in heavily and let out a sigh with glinting eyes. He pouted and continued to whine and pull at the sleeves of (Y/N)'s gray sweatshirt. She grimaced and pinched his cheek.

"You didn't have to go so strong you know! I still have to go to school this afternoon. My god I can't run now." (Y/N) spoke through gritted teeth.

They were sitting at the dining table with Saeko chuckling having heard their ministrations in the bathroom that she shared with her brother.

"But I haven't seen you for so long..." Tanaka continued to whine at her. (Y/N) quirked her eyebrow. "It's only been a few days. What are you talking about?"

Tanaka didn't respond and he only kept silent with his mind going through flashbacks about the many attempts running through his mind.

"Whatever. I'm going to school with you today." He stated.

(Y/N) only hummed as she continued to eat the breakfast that was laid out on the dining table.


The male was a bit nervous. He kept looking left and right while they were walking to Seijoh together. Saeko offered to drive them but (Y/N) rejected saying that they both needed fresh air. His fever had also been reduced heavily.

He felt so light however.

Probably because he got to empty his balls this morning.

He fiddled with the patch on his forehead with (Y/N) slapping his hand away. "But it's so annoying..." He snuggled up to her arm.

"It's for your own good dumbass." She deadpanned.

He internally winced at her choice of words.

Fucking flashbacks.

She glanced at him in curiosity but averted her gaze to the front. Her school was coming into view. She didn't tell him why she was going to the school anyways but it concerned with her graduating early since her chances with her disease was low.

He leaned his head towards hers. They were of the same height and he didn't want to break his neck craning too much. She giggled lightly and quickly pecked his cheek to which Tanaka pushing his face into her view asking for more.

The female complied to his silent wishes and peppered kisses all over his face and he squealed in delight.

He giggled and pulled his hands out of his pockets and wrapped it around her waist instead. She laughed and wrapped hers around his neck.

Tanaka twirled them around with her laugh filling the air followed by a loving atmosphere with hearts all around them.

It was these little things that were both their favourite. He didn't have to take her out to dinner nor she didn't have to surprised him with another set of boys lingerie for them to make one special for the other.

That's why Fate had paired them together.

He let her down with a kiss to her neck. She palmed his buttcheeks with a smirk and kissed his lips with a teasing touch. He smirked into the kiss and was about to bite her lip when a cough had interrupted them.

"(Y/N) the teacher was looking for you this morning..."

Matsukawa awkwardly trailed off while rubbing his nape. He felt uncomfortable by the display of affection that was just presented in front of him.

After all he was still in the process of getting over you.

He quickly pulled apart with red cheeks and noticed they were close to the gates of Seijoh.

(Y/N) only had a blank face and lightly punched the middle blocker's shoulder. "Hahaha...thanks I guess."

She turned to Tanaka and waved to him. "I'm going in now."

She stepped into the grounds of Seijoh.


He hesitantly replied with a wave and when she disappeared from his view he finally noticed Matsukawa staring at him.

"...yes?" Tanaka spoke.

Matsukawa opened his mouth to say something but paused and only let out a sigh. He went closer to the second year and placed a hand on his shoulder.

"Thanks for entering her life." Matsukawa spoke with a relieved tone and a smile that didn't reach his eyes.

The spiker slowly nodded observing his eyes that held many dark emotions underneath.

The brunette took his hand back with a lingering gaze and walked away from the spiker with a sad air surrounding him.

Tanaka only looked with understanding. He could guess what had occured between him and his girlfriend but he was grateful that Matsukawa didn't intervene in their relationship in any way.

He gazed into the tall buildings of Seijoh with a frown and he only noticed the smoke that was emitting from one of the windows.

His eyes widened and he was about to open his mouth but a sudden explosion had cut him off.

Screams could be heard and fire had began to wildly spread onto the other parts of the buildings. Students were running around with teachers carrying their pupils with a limp in their step.

Black smoke filled the air and Tanaka's eyes widened. His breath hitched and his eyes started to water.

It was the same building (Y/N) had just went into.

Attempt 105



"I-I don't understand..." His hands started to shake. A shiver went down his spine and his body started to spasm violently.

Matsukawa ran back into the gates with a gasp.

"NO! SHE'S IN THERE!!" Oikawa screamed out with Watari holding him back from entering the building that was up in flames.

Tanaka began to gag as tears spilled from his eyes.


He fell to his knees.

"Why can't I save you...?"

He grasped his own face with his eyes on the window that had the smoke earlier. Dizziness began to surround him as the patch fell from his temple.

He succumbed to darkness.

He suddenly woke up back in his room and checked his phone that had the same horrifying date.

Tanaka screamed.

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