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Tanaka stared at the grey ceiling above him as he was lying flat on the guest bed. He had gone to Chikara's apartment instead in courtesy of today's with Kiyoko's permission of course.

Every year he would feel the need to spend some time alone on one particular night.

The day of (Y/N)'s death.

This year he's spending it at his friend's house. Chikara didn't seemed to mind since he went out drinking with his other friends knowing to leave the former in peace.

Tanaka didn't know why he did this. Maybe it was out of guilt?

All he knew with every second passing by he would feel as if he was drowning and creeps crawling on his back. He'd calm his nerves down by clenching the bedsheets but it wouldn't help much with his breath slowly shaking.


Was what he considered.

To spend a night alone as an atonement to how he let her die alone.

It was shortly after the Spring high her death had occurred. It took him a few years that Iwaizumi had told him during the day of the finals (Y/N) had been throwing up in the loo.


Was what he thought but who else had the idea of hurting her?

As far as he knew she never made any enemies or rivals.

But he knew he couldn't possibly blame it on anyone. The incident was all a mishap.

A hit and run.

Tanaka rubbed his eyes tiredly as bags had seemed to appear under his orbs. He tightened his fists in order to get some kind of adrenaline boost but the last time he had one was when (Y/N) had cheered for him in the Shiratorizawa match.

It was also the last time he saw her.

He remembered how much Saeko had cried during her burial. She had been cremated with her parents requests and had been buried with the remnants of her bracelet that had been paired with Tanaka.

A glowing moon.

One that wouldn't shine as much as the sun would but had been more mesmerizing than the other.

She wasn't one to desire attention rather she wanted to be a pillar instead.

Someone who anyone could rely onto.

No matter how many would come and plead for her love no one could melt her complex demeanour.

Her heart was truly for one person only.

And that someone had been reserved and stole her heart from the very beginning.

Her beloved.

Tanaka cringed as he remembered how he felt when she was absent during award ceremony in his second year in Spring High. How disappointed he was to not have meet the eyes of the one he had loved the most.

He had been too dependent on her.

The young adult admits that he may have relied on her way too much that it may have considered a bit unhealthy in some perspectives but he couldn't help it since it was his first time receiving such loving affections other than his sister.

He draped his own arm over his eyes as he lazily squirmed in the bed. Huffing, he stopped and finally lied down properly his back flat on the mattress his eyes staring once again at the grey ceiling.


His eyes began to droop as the enchanting calls of sleep had been bestowed with his figure relaxing and his eyes shut.

Tanaka had fallen asleep.

• • •

He'll try to wake up early.

Was what he had thought.

So why was he currently staring at a different ceiling instead? He assumed he would be met with the grey ceiling again but no.

Instead it was cream pastel.

He sucked in a harsh breath as his body felt hot all of a sudden and he could feel his limbs getting weaker.

Tanaka groaned in discomfort.

He could feel his legs getting numb as his eyes darted around to search where the fuck he was currently.

The hotness was heavy around his head as his own eyelids were warm due to the intense sickness he suddenly obtained. Straining a cough against his throat, his was caught off guard at the sudden alarm that came from beside him.

And that's when he noticed he was lying in a futon under heaps of blankets.

His hand outreached to grasp the ringing phone and his eyes widened at the model. He also just noticed that his arm had been shorter than before

His breath hitched.

Tanaka clicked the side button of the phone revealing the lockscreen as his heartbeat sped up when he saw the date.


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