I like blueberries more

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Attempt 104


Tanaka shot out of his bed with his breath deepening wildly. He let out of a scream of frustration while clutching his scalp. "What's wrong?!" Saeko entered the room but was pushed by Tanaka to the side who ran out of the house.

"Ryuu!" He drowned out her sister calling her name and only sprinted faster with crazed eyes.

He was crazy.

His feet brought him to the hospital and he darted into the back entrance while turning left and right every time a person came into sight.

That damn room.

It was that one room. He was sure of it. Room 736. Today he was going to see her. Right here. Right now.

He climbed up the stairs in a quick pace knowing the risk of getting into an elevator. He made sure to avoid Iwaizumi and turned into the west wing wuere the room was located.

His heartbeat sped up as the room came into vision. Earning weird looks by other patients he didn't give a fuck and turned the knob open.

She's here.

I finally get to see her.

I finally can save her.


He cut his own thoughs off as he entered the room.


With only an expensive handbag on the sofa beside the bed. Nothing was in sight. His lips quivered as his knees started to shake.

"W-wha...?" He fell and kneeled onto the floor. "B-but this was the last room. I was sure." His eyes were wide open. "Why can't I see her?" His hands started to shake. "What am I doing wrong?!" He screamed in frustration.


He looked out onto the window.


He gritted his teeth. "You wanted her dead so badly. Fine I'll give you a death." He clutched his fists while exiting the room and proceeded to go to the roof.


He slammed the door open and strutted out. "You wanted her to be dead so badly!! Fuck off I know you're there!!" He looked up into the sky and stuck his middle finger out.

"Just leave her alone!!!"

His took a few deep breaths as he shouted once more.

"Take me instead!!"

He draped his arms out with an angered but desperate face. "Take me!! She has a lot more to see in this world! I'm just a useless crap in this world who keeps dragging her below me! So take me!!"

He jumped onto the ledge and looked down.

Ten floors.

"(Y/N)...I'll save you. I'll do anything for you." His left foot went out.

"I love you."

Tanaka whispered onto the calm air as gravity took over and his body leaned downwards but was caught by a pair of arms around his torso. "Let go!" He struggled in their grip and even elbowed their head.

The second year was pulled back while lashing out and spewing curses from his mouth.

He pulled the hair of the person who grunted in response and stepped onto the ledge to pull his body mass. Tanaka was successfully pulled back but he accidentally tripped the person who saved him.

He gasped as he met (e/c) orbs staring back at him.

(Y/N) had her hand out with a terrified expression.

Chapter : Execution

Her eyes wide as she stared with devastating blue black orbs.

Staring back at her as he screamed with his hand outstretched in a hope to grasp her own.

But the universe never allowed it.

Memories flashed through her mind.

I regret nothing.

She didn't scream when she fell to her death.


Saeko was driving to the hospital with Daichi, Ennoshita in tow. Suga and Asahi went to search around the neighbourhood while Ukai offered to drive around town to search for Tanaka.

She parked hastily and they got out of the car.

"Come one. He shouldn't be far-"

She was caught off by the sudden slam on top of her car. Daichi's breath hitched at the blood that splattered on his face as his mouth fell upon seeing dead (e/c) orbs.


Saeko let out a scream.


Tanaka gripped onto the stone ledge while staring down at the forming crowd below. "I-I didn't mean it..."


Attempt 104





He felt his mind forcefully pulled out as he felled onto the stone platform with dull eyes staring at the sky.


Strawberry or blueberry.

Which one do you like?

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