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(Y/N) bumped her shoulder with his roughly.

"Look at you. Only day one and you're going to become a model huh?" She smirked devilishly and crossed her legs on the couch.

He waved his arms wildly. "I don't know shit about this thing. Fuck! How do I do thisssss??" He dragged out the 's' and gripped his head.

"Hey chill. Just relax and do a scary face. It follows the theme anyways." She made a goofy face and snickered at his reaction.

Tanaka only pout his lips with his cheeks burning in embarrassment.

Soon later he was pulled by one of the staffs and was dressed up for the photoshoot. It was planned only to be a short one since it had already been night so maybe they were only planning for a one page only.

(Y/N) sipped the rest of the mocha while mindlessly scrolling through Instagram.

Damn. Why the fuck is ig full of tiktoks? You have your own damn platform.

She raised her eyebrow in judgment while saving a post. She didn't even liked the video, she only saved it for the audio.

Her thoughts were caught off when footsteps headed her way and when she had raised her head, her mouth almost went agape.


Tanaka was squirming in front of the mirror. He had never really dressed up so fashionably before so this was a foreign change for him.

But goddamn he would be lying if he said he wasn't loving it.

Tugging on the leather jacket he was wearing paired with a grey turtleneck. He clicked the heels of the ankle boots he wore while patting the fabric of the baggy slack pants customed with chains dangling and a belt intentionally hanging loose from the waist.

Damn I look fucking good.

He snickered while he looked himself in the mirror in the private room. He opted to take a picture and send it to the volleyball groupchat but his thought were cut off when Alberto had called for him and shouted.

"The shoot starts in 10 minutes!"

He quickly took a mirror selfie and jogged out of the room.

The makeup artist had also added a few delicacies to his features but nothing too heavy.

But boy an eyeliner sure did its job right.

He walked over to the couch where (Y/N) was sitting and fiddled with his belt until she looked up.

(Y/N)'s eyes visibly widened and her lips parted slightly.

His heartbeat sped up and he mumbled out saying the shoot was starting.

Breaking out of the trance, (Y/N) flinched and fake coughed to clear her mind.

"Thanks. Come on let's get started."


Sitting on the small platform, Tanaka was fumbling around and awkwardlysat upright. It was clear that he was a bit nervous posing for the upcoming issue but (Y/N) was only relaxing with a yawn escaping from her lips.

The others were still prepping around to set up more proper cameras and a few were already cleaning the studio.

"Hey loosen up a bit. You look so tense."

Tanaka tilted his head to face the girl who was only smirking at him trying to hold in a laughter.

"You look like you're about to piss yourself."

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