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A long time ago in a galaxy far far away....

"...And so Alderaan is requesting troops for security purposes." Senator Organa finished his speech. He glanced up at the emperor, checking to see if he was still listening. He barely was.

The meetings were for show. Nobody actually got a say in what happened in the galaxy except for the emperor. From what I'd been told, before the empire the galaxy was ruled by a republic. Democracy was real, the meetings, the votes, they were all real. I imagined how peaceful it was, how fair. However, after my first meeting I quickly learned that was not how it was anymore.

Our emperor wasn't the first. Before him was a man named Darth Sidious. He was crueler than any being in the galaxy. I remembered the hundreds of thousands of people he murdered out of cold blood. He had the empires biggest ship created during his time, the Death Star. It could destroy whole planets with one blast. Everyone was relived the moment it was revealed he had died, but that relief was only brief because his successor would be worse than him.

Darth Vader could only be described as completely and utterly evil. He hadn't been emperor for long, but he had made his presence known. He wore a suit that left everything to the imagination. Nobody knew what he looked or even sounded like. He was a mystery that nobody wanted to explore because doing so might as well be an absolute death sentence.

"Yes. The clones will be sent to your planet when needed. Is that all you need for Alderaan?" The emperor finally responded, his robotic voice filling the room.

Senator Organa nodded and stepped off the small podium. I grabbed my paperwork and carefully walked to the podium. I kept my eyes averted from Vaders' as I walked, trying my hardest to remain calm. I wasn't nervous, but I wasn't relaxed either. Before I began, I inhaled deeply and finally met the emperor's cold faceless stare.

"Hello my lord. I'd like to thank you for hearing me out and letting me be a part of this meeting-"

"Get to the point Senator." Vader cut me off.

"Yes sorry. Naboo is requesting the exact opposite of Alderaan. We would like some of the clones removed from our planet," I said confidently.

Vader didn't speak, and for a moment the only sound that filled the room was his robotic breathing. "Why is this? They are only there to protect you."

"We understand that my lord, however the crime rate on Naboo is extremely minor compared to other planets such as Tatooine, Coruscant, or even Alderaan. Those who need the clones should have them," I answered.

"Don't you think I placed them on Naboo for a reason? Are you questioning me Ms. Amidala?" Vader questioned.

My heart began to pump harder. "Of course, not my lord I only-"

"You are deeply passionate about politics aren't you Ms. Amidala?"

"Yes, but I am not in any way trying to question your authority. I believe you are doing what you think is right, I simply... do not see it the same way as you do," I said.

"You think I'm wrong?"

"That's not what I'm saying I-"

"I think it's very clear what you are senator." Vader cut me off again.

At this point, I was a wreck. My palms were covered in sweat, and my heart was beating frantically. I'd never been more fearful of my life than in that moment. Vader had killed people for much less than what I'd just done. I stared up at him hopelessly, waiting for his hand to raise and my air to be cut off.

"You are valuable." He finished his sentence, taking everyone in the room by surprise. "Senator Amidala, you are everything this galaxy needs in a leader."

I could only manage to whisper one word, "What?"

"You are willing to do anything to make the galaxy better, is that correct?"


"Then I am going to make a proposition for you to not only benefit Naboo, but the entire galaxy, by asking you to marry me."

It felt as though the ground had been taken from beneath my feet. Gasps erupted around the room, but I could barely hear them. The sound of my heartbeat filled my ears, and I could feel it pulsing throughout my body. I couldn't believe what Vader had said, it felt impossible to even think of such words coming from him.

He wanted to marry me.

Lord Vader wanted to marry me, and he always got what he wanted.


In only a matter of months, I was walking down the aisle. The news traveled quicker than wildfire as expected. Nobody could believe our dark emperor was getting married, myself included. It all went by in a blur. The celebrations, the preparations, the rehearsals. None of it felt real, because deep down everyone knew it wasn't.

My family hated the idea. My sister, Sola, wanted me to change my answer and go back to simply being a senator. She was always the more sensible one. My mother only wanted me to be happy, and she could tell the marriage wouldn't give me happiness. My father always hated my political career, but he hated the marriage even more. None of them wanted me to do it, and in my heart neither did I, but to me my planet always came first. So, there I was months later walking down the aisle.

My dress was beautiful. If it were different circumstances, it would've been the dress of my dreams. It had long lace sleeves, with small flower-like patterns trailing all the way from my wrists to the end of my back. It was tight around my waist, showing off my curves, but loose around my legs. My veil was long and had the same flowery patterns on the ends.

When I glanced at myself in a mirror before the ceremony began, I felt disgusted. How could I let myself do this? I wanted real love, like what my parents had. Not a political arrangement. But by then it was too late to turn back.

More people attended the wedding than I could ever imagine, and those who weren't there watched from their screens as I sealed my fate. My father walked me down the aisle, both of us wearing false smiles. He kissed my hand, our eyes meeting in an almost sad acceptance, before he placed them in Vader's and walked down to his seat.

It was strange, marrying a man I didn't know. I didn't even know what he looked like, what his real name was. Yet I still said, "I do". Because of his hidden identity, I was forced to kiss the spot on his mask where his cheek would be. I hated how cold it was, it felt like ice on my lips. How was I supposed to be married to that?

The after party was no better. Everyone was congratulating me on something I didn't even want. I felt like a prisoner and the golden band on my finger was my chain. I barely got to speak to my family because Vader kept me by his side for most of the time. It was torture.

The night of my wedding was nothing like I expected. I thought he'd touch me in some way, as it was tradition to do so after a wedding. Vader walked me through the Death Star, his hand laced with mine. The whole walk I tried to prepare myself for what was to come. Would he be gentle? I doubted it. Eventually we stopped outside a door, and he pulled his hand away and looked down at me.

"This is your room," he said.

I stared up at him in confusion. "But we're married aren't we supposed to-"

"We are only married for the benefit of the galaxy. There is no love in this relationship Senator. That is why you will be staying here understood?" Vader snapped. I only nodded my head in reply.

He left then, and I wasn't touched on my wedding night. I spent what was supposed to be the beginning of my honeymoon crying into my pillows. As I cried, I came to the devastating realization that I was no longer Padmé Amidala, senator of Naboo. I was Empress Amidala, the wife of Emperor Vader.


Well, here we go! Here's the first rewritten part I've completed. Honestly, this brings back so many memories, it's really great. Let me know what you think of this new version! Tell me if my writing has improved hahaha.


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