Chapter Eighteen.

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I didn't know what I was doing. It seemed as though years had gone by since the last time I saw Anakin. The rebels were planning on destroying the Death Star soon and I couldn't reason with them at all. They were certain they wanted all the people who were on the ship to die, my husband most of all.

I sat with Bail and Obi-wan, my only true friends on this base. "Breha didn't want me to so I didn't." Bail was telling a story of his wife. I liked it.

"You love her a lot don't you?" I asked. Bail smiled at me and nodded.

"More than anything in the galaxy. I'd do anything for that woman, that's how I know it's true." He replied.

"Anything?" I pressed.

"Anything at all. I'd even die before having to live without her, even the thought of never seeing her beautiful face again makes me anxious." Bail said, turning his head back to where Breha stood. I could see the unconditional love in his eyes, it was the same look Anakin gave me.

"I had someone I loved." Obi-wan spoke up. "Her name was Satine, she was a duchess and the only woman I ever loved."

"What happened if you don't mind my asking?" Bail softly asked.

"She was killed by a sith lord years ago." Obi-wan whispered, a sad look coming across his face.

"I'm sorry to hear that Obi-wan, she must've been quite the woman to gain your affections." Bail soothed the other man. I continued to sit in silence.

"You guys would do anything for your partners?" I asked again. Both men nodded. "Would you risk your whole life's beliefs for them?" Another round of nods.

I knew what had to be done. The whole time I was away from him everything felt off, I knew what it was in that moment. Not having him in my life was wrong, to live I needed Anakin. I needed his soft kisses, loving embraces, passionate nights...I needed him.

"I-I have to go." I whispered before pushing out of my chair and taking off into the direction of the ships.

No one stopped me as I flew off into the sky, leaving everything I pretended to love behind. My head was screaming for me to stop and think this through, to take a moment to think it over, but my heart was telling me to race to him and not stop till I got there. I chose my heart over my head.

As I jumped into hyperspace another part of me felt sad. Choosing Anakin meant choosing darkness, meaning I'd never get to see my friends again. There was no other choice. I refused to let tears leave my eyes as I sat. This was not a sad time, it was a happy one, I was going to see my lover again.

When I jumped out of hyperspace the giant planet sized ship came into view, better known as my home. They pulled me in immediately and once they knew who I was they didn't stop me as I ran through the halls.

"Lady Vader," A stormtrooper greeted me as I got off my ship. "Your husband is in his quarters right now."

"Thank you." I smiled as I began running again.

It didn't take me long before I was standing outside Vader's door. This was a moment we'd remember the rest of our lives. I quickly entered his password before my confidence left. The door slid open and I ran inside, leaving all my worries outside.

My body carried me to his room and inside I saw him sitting at his desk, his hands running through his hair, and his suit off. I smirked and inhaled a deep breath before leaning against the door frame and smirking. I knocked once.

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