Chapter Five.

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The next three days on Naboo were amazing. I spent time with my family in the best way possible. When Ryoo and Pooja had the day off from school we all went out to the lake house and swam, spending time together like the happy family we were. The other day I spent with Sola. We went shopping around town. She made me buy baby clothes because she insisted I would need them soon. I rolled my eyes but bought them because honestly they were cute. The last day I spent with Mom and Dad. We stayed home and played stupid card games all day. Mom told me stories that happened over the year I was gone and it made me feel sad yet happy.

That's where I am today, my fifth day in Naboo. I only had 9 days left and it crushed my heart knowing that after that little time goes by I'll have to leave my family again. Today I decided to go out on my own for a bit. I dressed in a simple blue two piece that showed off my mid section. I wore matching blue flats as well. My hair was up in a ponytail, tied with a piece of fabric.

Mom was sewing some new clothes for me because she thought I needed more of her when I leave. She could never be more right. Dad was in his office working on something I didn't understand. I said "I love you" to them and closed the door. I smiled as the sun warmed my skin. I'll miss this feeling the most.

I walked along the streets of our town, taking in the beauty. My plan was to go to the meadow by our lake house. It was always so beautiful there and I brought one of my magazines to read. I also packed a small blanket in my bag. As I walked along the streets I couldn't feel anymore happy.

"Padmé!" I heard my name being called. I quickly turned around and I was met with the sight of Anakin Skywalker running towards me. When he finally stopped a foot or so away from me, not even out of breath he spoke again. "Padmé Naberrie I knew it was you." He chuckled.

I only smiled and nodded my head. "It's great to see you again Anakin, I guess you were right." I joked. He was wearing all black again. His tunic, boots, pants, and even his robe was all black. It reminded me of Vader and how he only ever wore black. I shook it out of my head and met his gaze.

"How have you been Padmé?" Anakin asked.

"I've been very good how have you been?" I replied. Anakin shrugged and looked down to his feet. This seemed to be a habit of his.

When his eyes met mine again he finally answered. "I've been alright. If you don't mind me asking where are you off to?" He looked more sure of himself after his look down. I wonder if that made him more confident.

"Oh I'm off to my family's lake house. There's an amazing meadow beside it and my plan is to go and read there." I answered. Anakin nodded his head and looked around. I took Moms advice for this next part. "Would you like to join me?" I asked. His eyes met mine again.

"Yeah that would be really want me to join you?" Anakin double checked. I laughed and nodded my head. I then linked my arm through his and began walking us in the direction of my lake house.

"Of course Anakin, you are my savior after all." I chuckled. For a moment I thought about removing my arm from his. Would Vader approve? This didn't seem that bad, Anakin is only a friend...but Vader gets so mad. I decided that maybe Vader didn't need to know about this.

"You're not going to let go of that are you?" Anakin laughed. I shook my head and flashed him a grin.

"Nope." I replied. We laughed again and continued our walk. I glanced back to Anakin a couple times, debating whether or not I should ask about him. I'm trying to be friends with him... I should at least get to know him. "So Anakin, tell me about yourself." I finally insisted.

"There isn't much to tell," Anakin replied. I slightly nudged him, signalling I wanted a real answer. He grinned and looked away. "Well I'm from Tatooine if you couldn't tell, I'm 20 years old, I'm a very good pilot, and I hate sand."

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