Chapter Eight.

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I didn't see Anakin for the next three days. I wanted to see him, trust me I really did but he told me he had lots of work to do. So, I spent the three days with my family. We all went up to the lake house on the first day and me, Mom, and Sola tanned. Dad and the girls played in the water for most of the time. I went in for a little bit, but most of the time I spent out. On the second day I stayed home and helped Mom clean the house. It had gotten surprisingly dirty in the short amount of time I had been there. And on the last day without Anakin I went out to shop again. This time I went alone to buy clothes.

I decided the least I could do for my husband, who may I remind you I was cheating on, is get him a gift. It was hard to choose something for him because honestly I barely knew anything about him. The most I knew was that he enjoyed killing people. He never showed any interest in anything that I could think of. So with this in mind I decided to get him a necklace. It may sound stupid but it was all I could think of.

The necklace was long, big enough to fit around his neck for sure. It had a thin silver chain and dangling on it was a little stone. I had it engraved for him. On the little stone I had them write "Forever thankful xoxo Your Wife". I didn't know if he would like it but I hoped he would. Maybe deep down I was doing it because I felt guilty. I didn't know.

Those were how my last few days went. I craved Anakin in more than one way. I needed him physically, emotionally, and mentally. I missed the feeling of his arms being wrapped around me as he whispered how much he loved me, I missed how we talked about anything together and never got bored, and overall I just missed him in general.

It was hard to believe I was already on my ninth day in Naboo. Every day it got closer and closer, the moment I'd been dreading since I came back home. And now with Anakin here, I didn't want to leave ever. Only five more days, four nights. Maybe I could ask Vader for more time. I couldn't. What if he got suspicious? What if he decided to come here? I couldn't risk any of that. I'd have to live with the short amount of time I had left. It hurt but I had to.

As I made my way to the front door, there had been knocks on it I thought of when the next time I'd see my family would be. I opened the door and squealed. Standing outside my house was Anakin. My Ani. I pulled him into the house and just as the door closed behind him and leaped into his arms, hugging him with all my strength.

"Ani," I mumbled against the soft fabric of his shirt. "I've missed you."

I heard his laugh, a sound I didn't know I needed in my life until now. He rubbed one of his hands through my loose curls while the other one was simply wrapped around my waist. This was something I had missed terribly.

"I've missed you so much more Padmé. I hated being away from you but I had things to" Anakin replied. I felt his heartbeat, a sound I had missed more than you can imagine. What made it so special was how I knew his heart was beating for me, just as mine was for him.

"How was your work?" I asked, my face still pressed against his soft shirt.

"Work was interesting, nothing you'd like though." He answered. I let out a sigh and slowly pulled out of his grasp. He looked confused at first but I think he figured out what I was doing.

"I'm sorry, my parents are home," I whispered. Dad was in his office and Mom was in the living room. I'm pretty sure they hadn't heard Anakin enter, they'd soon realize he was here. "We can go into my room for privacy though." I added, a spark of hope rising in me.

Anakin smiled down to me, I felt my heart flutter. It seemed as though he hadn't done that in forever. I loved it. "Sure, if you'd like." He spoke. I grinned and took his hand in mine, beginning to lead him to the stairs. When we got into the living room I let go, Mom was sitting on the couch. I saw the smile form on her face as her eyes landed on Anakin.

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