Chapter Fourteen.

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The dinner with Bail went just as Padme had thought, great. Forever had passed since the last time they spoke about topics other than business. She learned that he and his wife were planning to adopt a baby girl. He explained how they wanted to help children who were suffering as much as they could, and they also wanted a baby, so it worked out. Padme was happy for them, but she couldn't shake the feeling of jealousy deep down within her.

Vader hadn't shown and Padme was glad of it. She didn't want to see him; their last fight had left her the angriest she'd been in a while. Bail hadn't seemed to mind Vader's absence either, so the night was more than all right.

After it was over, they said goodnight and parted ways. Padme wondered what Bail really thought of her marriage. Did he think she knew who Vader really was? Most likely.  He was too kind to ask such personal questions. It only made her wonder what he thought more. 

Once she got back to her room and into her robe, she was surprised to hear a frantic knock on her door. She frowned and got up, making sure to tighten her robe before walking to the door. The knocks continued, not stopping for even a second. What could be that important?

"I'm coming," she said, annoyed. 

She opened the door quickly, and was met with a stormtrooper. She was about to ask him what was so important that he had to bother her at such a time, but before she could he pushed past her into her room. 

"What the hell are you-"

"Close the door," he said. "Quickly."

"Who are you to give me orders? I'm your empress, you should never speak to me that way. I could have you killed for this," she snapped back. 

"Please, just do it. You'll be glad you did Padme."

She was shocked to hear someone in such a low status use her first name. She knew it had to be serious for him to risk his life. So, after a few seconds of staring at him in shock, she reluctantly let the door slide shut behind her. 

The second it clicked shut he dropped his gun and pulled off his helmet and when his face came into her view, Padme gasped. 


He looked the exact same way he did in her dreams. Only in this reality, he had a worried look spread across his beautiful face. She stumbled toward him, her hands instantly reaching out to touch him, to make sure it wasn't her mind playing tricks on her. For the first time in what felt like forever, she felt his warm cheeks against her palms. She couldn't believe it was real, he was real.

"Hi Padme," he said sheepishly. 

"Why- how- you're here?" She choked out. 

His hands had moved to gently grip her hips and he smiled. "Yes, I'm here. I know, it's all very confusing and impossible but I am."

"How did you..." Her mind drifted. "Ani my husband he'll surely kill you if he sees you or maybe he already knows you're here he can sense people oh no you must leave!"

"I don't care, he can kill me. Padme I couldn't handle being away from you, so I snuck onto a ship dressed as a stormtrooper. I found my way back to you my love," he responded, his eyes not leaving hers for even a second. 

"Oh Ani," she whispered before pulling his lips down to hers. She continued to whisper through kisses, "You're... so... so... stupid..."

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