Chapter Three.

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I woke up early with the smile still on my face. I rushed faster than ever to get ready. I wore a simple dress. It was black and loose on my body. The sleeves were lace but everything else was a silky fabric. It ended at my knees and had a zipper up the back. I somehow managed to get it by myself and I then slipped on my matching black flats. I did my hair up in two buns on the side of my head and I wore no makeup. I looked in the mirror one last time before checking all my bags again.

As I checked my bags I heard a knock on my door. "Lady Vader may I come in?" Cornelia's voice rang through the door.

"Yes come on in." I answered, my eyes still glued on the clothes in front of me. Cornelia came in and closed the door behind her. She walked up beside me and looked down to what I was doing.

"You're still packing for your trip?" She asked. I shook my head.

"No, I'm checking it all over to make sure I have everything I need. What is it you came for?" I replied, finally looking up to meet her gaze.

Cornelia smiled and began folding one of my dresses. "Nothing exactly I just... wanted to see you before you left." She said. I chuckled and pulled her into a hug. She gladly returned it. When we pulled away I saw a tear escape her eye.

"Oh Cornelia don't be sad I'll be back I promise." I assured her as I rubbed her arm. Cornelia shrugged and whipped her eyes.

"I know it's just I'm afraid you won't be happy when you return. I know how much you hate it here. What if you change your mind and I never see you again? I don't want that." She explained, her emerald eyes now blood shot from the tears. I shook my head and embraced her again.

"I'm not leaving forever I promise." I assured her again. "Trust me I'd never want to leave you."

If only my husband let me.

We pulled away again and her tears were gone. She put on a smile and folded my last dress, placing back in my suitcase. She zipped it up and looked back up to me smiling.

"If you don't mind my asking where will you be staying?" Cornelia asked. I shrugged my shoulders.

"My husband probably got me a place to stay. But if he didn't I'll be staying with my family most likely. I really can't wait to see them again." I excitedly answered. Cornelia nodded her head and looked around my room.

Before she could speak again her comlink buzzed and she apologized to me before exiting my room to answer. I sighed and paced around my room. The excitement inside me was uncontrollable. I couldn't help but squeal a little as I looked outside and saw beautiful Naboo.

It looked just the same as before. But over the year I've been gone my memory faded a little. So seeing it in person after 365 days... this made me feel truly happy. Another knock was heard and it was a stormtrooper saying it was time to go. I squealed one last time before calmly opening the door and nodding.

I didn't have to worry about my luggage. Someone took care of it. I made my way into one of the little cruisers, excitement being the only feeling inside now. I gave one last goodbye to Cornelia and another promise to her that I wouldn't be gone forever. But just as I was going to walk up the ramp I heard my husband's robotic voice.

"Wait Padmé." He called out for me. I turned around and before I could stop myself, I ran up to him, embracing him in a hug. He didn't hug me back but I didn't care. I kept my arms around his waist as I smiled.

"Oh Vader thank you so much for letting me see my home. I'm truly so thankful for your generosity. Really I owe you everything." I gushed as I held him tightly against me. When I pulled away and looked up to him I saw that same blank face as always. That same masked face. But I didn't care in this moment. I only cared about how happy I felt.

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