Chapter Eleven.

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The ringing of my comlink woke me up the next morning. I looked to my side but Anakin wasn't there. Where was he? I groaned as my comlink continued to buzz so I sat up and answered, forgetting I was naked under the sheets. When Vader's appearance took up the hologram I glared. He sat silent for a moment but then moved his hands over his eyes.

"Padmé cover yourself." He warned. I looked down and squealed, pulling the sheets over my bare chest. My face was bright red, I could feel the heat of it. "Why are you naked?" Vader added, uncovering his eyes.

"I sleep like this, not that you would know." I half lied. Suddenly I remembered the fact that I was supposed to be going back to him today. My eyes widened.

"Where are you? The stormtroopers have been searching for you all morning. You were supposed to leave hours ago." Vader replied, his voice cold. I looked at the clock next to me and gasped. It was already noon.

"I stayed the night at my lake house, I'm sorry I didn't think I'd be waking up this late." I apologized, moving around and pulling my clothes on as we stayed on the call together. He didn't see my naked body again. I wouldn't let him.

"Alright well get to Theed as soon as you can I'll let the stormtroopers know you're on your way." Vader said. I nodded my head, standing up once all my clothes were back on. As I began walking I felt a little sore at first. I smiled. So last night wasn't a dream.

"Yes, again sorry for this I'll be home as soon as possible." I assured him. Vader nodded his head and the call ended.

As I made my way into Theed questions filled my head. Why did Anakin leave so early? Why didn't he leave a note or something? Was he still embarrassed? Did I do something wrong? I didn't know the answers to any of my questions and it only made me more confused. When I finally arrived in Theed I saw the group of stormtroopers. I was rushed immediately into the cruiser, not even having a chance to say goodbye to my family.

The ride home was more sad than anything. Tears left my eyes as I saw Naboo slowly fade away from me. My family, my everything was there and I was gone. The troopers said they collected my bags, but I didn't see my flowers anywhere. Last night I felt better than ever, now I was back in the same place I was when I left the Death Star.

Our cruiser landed back inside the Death Star shortly and I dreaded getting off. I whipped off the last of my tears and put on a brave face as I walked out. Standing at the end of the ramp was the person I hated most in the world. I felt like I just woke up from a wonderful dream and now I was stuck in the nightmare of reality.

I slowly made my way over to him, and stopped a foot away. We looked at each other for a couple minutes in silence. "I'm glad to have you back Padmé." Vader broke the silence. I looked away.

"I bet you are." I replied, a sour expression covering my face. We stood in silence for a couple minutes, the same feeling of loneliness starting to eat me up again.

"We have a lot to talk about." Vader said. The sound of his robotic voice made me want to get back on the ship and fly to Naboo again. It had only been minutes back and I was already sick of him. The galaxy was unfair.

"Yes we do, but for now I'd like to rest. I've had a long week." I mumbled, starting my walk back to the room I hate. Vader didn't respond, or I didn't hear him because I was already walking through the lonely halls.

When I arrived outside my door I felt the tears beginning again. I quickly opened the cold metal door and slammed it shut behind me, leaping on to my bed and stuffing my face as I melted down. Only hours before everything was perfect, now I was back to my sad life with the person I hated most. Why was life so unfair? Did I do something wrong? I didn't understand what I had done to deserve all this.

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