Chapter Sixteen.

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I stood in silence, staring at a man I thought I knew. His crystal blue eyes met mine and I could see the sadness starting in them as I stood there, emotionless. I was confused for sure, but deep down I think I knew the answer all along.

"Padmé I-"

"Who are you?" I asked, my voice weaker than normal.

"I'm Anakin Skywalker your-"

"Who are you?" I asked again, my voice rising. "Who are you because you've clearly been lying to me the whole time I've known you. Is that even you? Is Anakin a lie too?"

Anakin put the helmet down and tried coming closer to me, but with each step he took I took one too. I wasn't going to let this man near me without an explanation. He noticed this and stopped trying, the sadness in his eyes grew.

"I am Anakin Skywalker- or that was me before...It's hard to explain Padmé but give me a couple minutes to try." He said. I stood silent for a minute before giving a slight nod.

"Go ahead." I mumbled.

"What I told you on Naboo was the truth or some of it. When I was nine Sheev found us, Sheev Palpatine. He sensed how strong I was with the force and decided to take me with him back to Coruscant to become a Sith Lord as he was. Within those years of my life Palpatine fell in love with my mother and they truly did get married. I loved him Padmé, he was the only fatherly figure I ever had. When I turned eighteen he gave me the name Darth Vader because I had completed my training. Throughout my life no one had known of me and so when I was presented to the world Palpatine thought it was a good idea to have me wear this suit so that no one would know who I truly was." Anakin explained, his eyes locked on me the entire time. "Truthfully I lost Anakin Skywalker when Palpatine died it was a hard time-"

"You mean when you murdered him." I corrected him. Anakin sighed and looked away for a moment.


"No, don't try anything with me. You're trying to act all innocent when in reality you're the villain here. You treated me like shit our entire marriage and then you just decided to play with my emotions and take away my innocence because what? It was fun?" I yelled, angry tears starting to form in my eyes.

Anakin moved closer to me. "No Padmé, everything I said and did was real. I truly love you. I just never gave it a chance until Naboo."

I scoffed. "You didn't give it a chance? So hating, threatening, and neglecting me is just not giving it a chance?"

I could see Anakin was getting angry. But when his eyes turned from the sweet ocean blue I loved to a golden yellow he was no longer Anakin, he was Vader.

"Will you let me explain myself?" Vader spat. His eyes remained golden and for once I suddenly felt scared to be around him.

"I know enough Lord Vader." I snapped before I turned around and began walking away, tears escaping my eyes as I walked. Before I could make it to the door my body stopped, an invisible force holding me still.

"You will not leave me like this Lady Vader." He said.

"Don't call me that ever again." I yelled, the warm tears falling down my face. Vader turned me around and examined me with those golden eyes. When they came across my tears they flashed back to crystal blue. They stayed like that for a second before returning to gold.

"Padmé I-I'm so sorry. I know what I did to you is wrong, it's so wrong. But you have to understand you'd never love this side of me, right now you're disgusted by it. I wanted to try with you but it would've never worked with this part only with my other." Vader whispered as he forced my body closer to his.

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